Agricultural education

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Study and practice of teaching agricultural topics.

Introduction to Agriculture: Covers basic principles and concepts of the field such as food production, natural resources, and sustainability.
Plant Science: Focuses on the study of plant growth, genetics, pests, and diseases.
Soil Science: Deals with the properties, classification, and management of soils.
Animal Science: Covers the anatomy, physiology, and management of livestock species.
Agricultural Economics: Introduces students to the principles of microeconomics, macroeconomics, and agribusiness management.
Agricultural Policy: Covers the legal, political, and social frameworks that influence the agricultural sector, including international trade agreements and government regulations.
Agricultural Machinery: Introduces students to the various machines and equipment used in farming operations.
Sustainable Agriculture: Focuses on the development of environmentally sound agricultural practices that promote resource conservation and biodiversity.
Agricultural Marketing: Teaches students how to effectively market agricultural goods and services.
Farm Business Management: Covers the principles of accounting, finance, and risk management as they apply to agricultural businesses.
Agricultural Communications: Covers the skills and techniques needed to effectively communicate agricultural issues and ideas to a diverse audience.
Agricultural Education and Leadership: Prepares students to teach and lead in the agricultural industry.
Biotechnology in Agriculture: Covers the applications of biotechnology in the agricultural sector.
Food Science and Technology: Focuses on the production, processing, and distribution of food products.
Agricultural Law: Covers the legal issues affecting agricultural businesses, including property rights, contracts, and environmental regulations.
"Agriultural education is primarily undertaken to prepare students for employment in the agricultural sector."
"Classes taught in an agricultural education curriculum may include horticulture, land management, turf grass management, agricultural science, small animal care, machine and shop classes, health and nutrition, livestock management, and biology."
"Agricultural education is common at the primary, secondary, tertiary, and adult levels."
"Elementary agriculture can cover subjects such as how plants and animals grow and how soil is farmed and conserved."
"Vocational agriculture trains people for jobs in such areas as production, marketing, and conservation."
"College agriculture involves training of people to teach or conduct research in order to advance the fields of agriculture and food science."
"General education informs the public about food and agriculture."
"Disciplines closely tied to agricultural education include agricultural communications, agricultural leadership, and extension education."
"At higher levels, agricultural education is primarily undertaken to prepare students for employment in the agricultural sector."
"Elementary agriculture is often taught in both public and private schools."
"Vocational agriculture trains people for jobs in areas such as production, marketing, and conservation."
"Classes taught in an agricultural education curriculum may include horticulture, land management, turf grass management, agricultural science, small animal care, machine and shop classes, health and nutrition, livestock management, and biology."
"Agricultural education is common at the primary, secondary, tertiary, and adult levels."
"College agriculture involves training of people to teach or conduct research in order to advance the fields of agriculture and food science."
"General education informs the public about food and agriculture."
"Disciplines closely tied to agricultural education include agricultural communications, agricultural leadership, and extension education."
"Elementary agriculture can cover subjects such as how plants and animals grow and how soil is farmed and conserved."
"Vocational agriculture trains people for jobs in such areas as production, marketing, and conservation."
"Agricultural education is primarily undertaken to prepare students for employment in the agricultural sector."
"Agricultural education is common at the primary, secondary (including middle and high school in the United States), tertiary (including vocational schools and universities), and adult levels."