Introduction to Agriculture

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Covers basic principles and concepts of the field such as food production, natural resources, and sustainability.

History of agriculture: This topic covers the evolution of agriculture from the earliest times to modern farming practices.
Agricultural ecology: This topic includes the study of the interaction between organisms and their environment in agriculture, and the principles of sustainable agriculture.
Agricultural economics: This topic covers the economic principles underlying agriculture, including agricultural trade, market analysis, supply and demand, and global food systems.
Agricultural practices and techniques: This topic covers the practical skills used in farming, such as soil management, planting techniques, farm maintenance, and animal husbandry.
Agricultural machinery and technology: This topic covers the use of technology in farming, including the latest advancements in machinery, irrigation systems, and precision farming techniques.
Agricultural science: This topic includes the study of the science behind farming, including biology, chemistry, and physics, and their application in agriculture.
Agronomy: This topic covers the science of plant growth, soil management, crop production, and crop breeding.
Animal science: This topic covers the science of animal husbandry, including genetics, reproduction, nutrition, and disease prevention.
Food science: This topic includes the science of food production, processing, preservation, and safety, and the development of new food products.
Environmental and natural resource conservation: This topic covers the principles and practices of protecting natural resources such as soil, water, and wildlife in the context of agriculture.
Sustainable agriculture: This topic covers the practices and principles of sustainable agriculture, including reducing environmental impact, improving economic viability, and enhancing social well-being.
Agricultural policy: This topic includes the analysis of government policies and programs that affect agriculture, such as trade agreements, subsidies, and regulations.
Agricultural education: This topic covers the principles and practices of agricultural education, including curriculum development, teaching methods, and student engagement.
Agricultural Science: It is the study of the scientific concepts and principles of agriculture that involve the development of new technologies and application of various scientific methods to enhance crop and animal production.
Sustainable Agriculture: Sustainable Agriculture is an approach that focuses on using natural resources in a way that meets the needs of the present without depleting the resources for the future.
Agricultural Engineering: This type of program teaches students how to design, build and manage various agricultural equipment, infrastructure, systems and processes that are used in farming.
Horticulture: Horticulture is the study of the cultivation of plants for food, groceries, medicinal, and cosmetic purposes.
Agricultural Business: It is a program that focuses on the business aspects of agriculture including managing farms, agribusiness companies, sales, marketing, and finance.
Animal Science: Animal Science is the study of the scientific principles and practices that relate to the management, breeding, and production of domestic animals, especially livestock.
Agribusiness and Entrepreneurship: This program focuses on teaching students about common business practices combined with agricultural concepts to enhance business management e.g., providing support to farmers to market their products.
Agricultural Communications: This program teaches students about communicating agricultural messages to the general public and farmers. It includes advertising, public relations, journalism and broadcast supports related to agricultural products.
Food Science and Technology: This program focuses on introducing students to the production, processing, packaging, and distribution of foodstuffs.
Agricultural Education: It is a program that primarily deals with the teaching and training of individuals to pursue and educate others about agricultural practices thus becoming experts in farming or agricultural businesses.
"Agriculture encompasses crop and livestock production, aquaculture, fisheries and forestry for food and non-food products."
"While humans started gathering grains at least 105,000 years ago..."
"...nascent farmers only began planting them around 11,500 years ago."
"Sheep, goats, pigs, and cattle were domesticated around 10,000 years ago."
"Plants were independently cultivated in at least 11 regions of the world."
"In the twentieth century, industrial agriculture based on large-scale monocultures came to dominate agricultural output."
"Today, small farms produce about a third of the world's food."
"Nearly 40 percent of agricultural land is found on farms larger than 1,000 hectares."
"However, five of every six farms in the world consist of less than two hectares..."
"The major agricultural products can be broadly grouped into foods, fibers, fuels, and raw materials."
"Global agricultural production amounts to approximately 11 billion tonnes of food..."
"However, around 14 percent of the world's food is lost from production before reaching the retail level."
"Modern agronomy, plant breeding, agrochemicals such as pesticides and fertilizers, and technological developments have sharply increased crop yields..."
"Selective breeding and modern practices in animal husbandry have similarly increased the output of meat, but have raised concerns about animal welfare and environmental damage."
"Environmental issues include contributions to climate change, depletion of aquifers, deforestation, antibiotic resistance, and other agricultural pollution."
"Agriculture is both a cause of and sensitive to environmental degradation, such as biodiversity loss, desertification, soil degradation, and climate change, all of which can cause decreases in crop yield."
"Genetically modified organisms are widely used..."
"...although some countries ban them."
"Agriculture encompasses... forestry for non-food products."
"Global agricultural production amounts to... 4 billion m3 of wood."