"Communication theory is a proposed description of communication phenomena, the relationships among them, a storyline describing these relationships, and an argument for these three elements."
This topic covers the various theoretical frameworks used to study communication. It includes topics such as social exchange theory, social learning theory, and systems theory.
Communication Models: The various conceptual frameworks that describe the process and dynamics of communication.
Interpersonal Communication: The exchange of messages between two or more people.
Group Communication: The process of exchanging information and ideas among members of a group.
Mass Communication: The process of transmitting messages to large audiences through various media channels such as television, radio, newspapers, and the internet.
Media Effects: The ways in which media messages can influence people's attitudes, behaviors, and perceptions.
Communication Technology: The technological tools and platforms that enable communication, such as smartphones, social media, and email.
Cultural Communication: The study of how communication varies across different cultural groups, and how culture affects communication practices.
Rhetorical Analysis: The examination of how symbols and language are used to persuade, inform, or entertain audiences.
Persuasion and Social Influence: The ways in which people use communication to influence others' thoughts, feelings, and behaviors.
Communication Ethics: The study of ethical issues related to communication, such as truth-telling, privacy, and free speech.
"Theory can be seen as a way to map the world and make it navigable; communication theory gives us tools to answer empirical, conceptual, or practical communication questions."
"Communication theory emphasizes its symbolic and social process aspects as seen from two perspectives—as exchange of information (the transmission perspective), and as work done to connect and thus enable that exchange (the ritual perspective)."
"Sociolinguistic research in the 1950s and 1960s demonstrated that the level to which people change their formality of their language depends on the social context that they are in."
"Social norms dictate language use and explain the way that we use language differs from person to person."
"Communication theories have emerged from multiple historical points of origin, including classical traditions of oratory and rhetoric, Enlightenment-era conceptions of society and the mind, and post-World War II efforts to understand propaganda and relationships between media and society."
"Prominent historical and modern foundational communication theorists include Kurt Lewin, Harold Lasswell, Paul Lazarsfeld, Carl Hovland, James Carey, Elihu Katz, Kenneth Burke, John Dewey, Jurgen Habermas, Marshall McLuhan, Theodor Adorno, Antonio Gramsci, Robert E. Park, George Herbert Mead, Joseph Walther, Claude Shannon, and Stuart Hall."
"Some of these theorists may not explicitly associate themselves with communication as a discipline or field of study." Note: For the remaining questions, there are no specific quotes that directly answer them. However, the information is derived from the paragraph as a whole.
- Proposed description of communication phenomena. - Relationships among communication phenomena. - Storyline describing these relationships.
"Theory can be seen as a way to map the world and make it navigable."
- Exchange of information (the transmission perspective). - Work done to connect and enable that exchange (the ritual perspective).
Sociolinguistic research demonstrates that people change their language formality depending on the social context they are in.
Classical traditions of oratory and rhetoric, Enlightenment-era conceptions of society and the mind, and post-World War II efforts to understand propaganda and media-society relationships.
Communication theorists provide tools to answer empirical, conceptual, or practical communication questions.
Communication theory emphasizes the symbolic and social process aspects of communication.
Language use differs from person to person and is influenced by social norms.
Kurt Lewin, Harold Lasswell, Paul Lazarsfeld, Carl Hovland, James Carey, Elihu Katz, Kenneth Burke, John Dewey, Jurgen Habermas, Marshall McLuhan, Theodor Adorno, Antonio Gramsci, Robert E. Park, George Herbert Mead, Joseph Walther, Claude Shannon, and Stuart Hall.
Communication theory provides a way to describe and analyze communication phenomena, their relationships, and offers arguments for these elements.
Communication theory offers tools and approaches to answer various communication questions, be they empirical, conceptual, or practical.
Some of the mentioned theorists may not explicitly identify themselves within the discipline or field of communication.