Population genetics

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The study of genetic variation within and between populations.

Genetic variation: Refers to the differences in DNA sequence among individuals in a population.
Gene frequency: The proportion of a particular allele in a population.
Mendelian genetics: The basic principles of inheritance and how they apply to population genetics.
Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium: A principle that states in large populations where there is no migration, mutation, or natural selection, the frequency of alleles and genotypes will remain constant from generation to generation.
Genetic drift: Random fluctuations in the frequency of alleles in small populations.
Natural selection: The process by which certain traits become more or less common in a population over time due to their impact on reproductive success.
Gene flow: The process of movement of genes from one population to another.
Mutation: A change in the DNA sequence of a gene.
Neutral theory of molecular evolution: The idea that most molecular variation in populations is due to genetic drift rather than natural selection.
Coalescent theory: A mathematical model used to trace the ancestry of genes in a population over time.
Population structure: The division of organisms into discrete subpopulations based on genetic and ecological differences.
Evolutionary adaptations: The process by which species adapt to changing environments over time.
Phylogenetics: The study of evolutionary relationships among species using genetic and other data.
Quantitative genetics: The study of how genes influence complex traits such as height, weight, and intelligence.
Genetic architecture: The underlying genetic basis of a trait, including the number and effects of individual genes.
Epistasis: The phenomenon where the expression of one gene is influenced by the expression of another.
Polygenic traits: Traits that are controlled by multiple genes working together.
Heritability: The proportion of the variation in a trait that is due to genetic rather than environmental factors.
Fitness: The relative reproductive success of individuals within a population.
Adaptation: A trait that has evolved through natural selection to improve an organism's ability to survive and reproduce.
Genetic Drift: Random changes in allele frequencies in a small population leading to fixation of certain traits.
Gene Flow: The transfer of genetic material between different populations.
Natural Selection: The process whereby certain traits become more frequent due to advantages in survival or reproduction, resulting in speciation.
Mutation: Natural or induced change in the DNA sequence resulting in varying traits.
Reproductive Isolation: The separation of populations so that they cannot interbreed, resulting in the formation of new species.
Speciation: The process by which two populations become separate species due to mutations or environmental factors resulting in reproductive isolation.
Convergent Evolution: The evolution of similar features in unrelated species in response to similar environmental pressures.
Divergent Evolution: The evolution of different features or traits in related species due to different evolutionary pressures.
Adaptive Radiation: The rapid evolution of a lineage into different ecological niches, resulting in the creation of multiple species in a short amount of time.
Coevolution: The evolution of two or more species that interact with each other, resulting in the evolution of adaptations in both.
"Population genetics is a subfield of genetics that deals with genetic differences within and among populations, and is a part of evolutionary biology."
"Studies in this branch of biology examine such phenomena as adaptation, speciation, and population structure."
"Its primary founders were Sewall Wright, J. B. S. Haldane and Ronald Fisher."
"Population genetics was a vital ingredient in the emergence of the modern evolutionary synthesis."
"The primary founders of population genetics... also laid the foundations for the related discipline of quantitative genetics."
"Modern population genetics encompasses theoretical, laboratory, and field work."
"Population genetic models are used both for statistical inference from DNA sequence data."
"Population genetic models are used... for proof/disproof of concept."
"What sets population genetics apart from newer, more phenotypic approaches to modelling evolution... is its emphasis on such genetic phenomena..."
"...phenomena as dominance, epistasis, the degree to which genetic recombination breaks linkage disequilibrium, and the random phenomena of mutation and genetic drift."
"This makes it appropriate for comparison to population genomics data." Please note that I have provided the quotes directly related to the questions, but there may be additional information in the paragraph worth exploring.