Arts Administration

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The management and administration of arts organizations, including museums, galleries, and cultural institutions.

Overview of Arts Administration: Introduction to the field of arts administration, including its history, theories, and key players.
Leadership and Management: Exploration of leadership and management styles and practices, with a focus on those relevant to the arts sector.
Arts Marketing: Planning, developing, and executing marketing strategies to promote arts programming for maximum audience engagement.
Grant Writing and Funding: Familiarization with grant writing techniques, research, and prospecting for funding opportunities, as well as budgeting and financial management.
Community Engagement: Building and nurturing relationships with local communities to develop diverse audiences and participation in the arts.
Sponsorship and Philanthropy: Researching, cultivating, and maintaining relationships with corporate sponsors and individual philanthropic donors for financial support.
Legal and Ethical Issues: Understanding and complying with legal and ethical principles relevant to the arts sector, such as intellectual property, copyright, and privacy laws.
Board Development: Building and developing boards of directors, as well as building relationships between board members and staff to foster a strong arts administration team.
Programming and Production: Planning, implementing, and evaluating arts programming and productions, including selecting artists or performers, developing marketing strategies, and creating logistics for successful events.
Technology and Digital Media: Using digital media, technology, and online platforms to market, connect, and engage with audiences and stakeholders.
"Arts administration is a field in the arts sector that facilitates programming within cultural organizations. Arts administrators are responsible for facilitating the day-to-day operations of the organization as well as the long term goals by fulfilling its vision, mission and mandate."
"Arts management became present in the arts and culture sector in the 1960s."
"Organizations include professional non-profit entities such as theaters, museums, symphonies, jazz organizations, opera houses, ballet companies, and many smaller professional and non-professional for-profit arts-related organizations."
"For example, auction houses, art galleries, music companies, etc."
"The duties of an arts administrator can include staff management, marketing, budget management, public relations, fundraising, program development evaluation, and board relations."