Radiation and Radioactivity

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The study of the properties of radiation and the behavior of atomic nuclei in decaying atoms.

Types of radiation: An overview of the types of radiation (alpha, beta, and gamma) and their characteristics.
Radioactive decay: The process by which unstable isotopes decay and emit radiation.
Half-life: The time it takes for half of a radioactive substance to decay.
Nuclear reactions: The process by which atomic nuclei interact and transform through fusion and fission.
Radiation protection: Measures taken to protect people and the environment from the harmful effects of radiation.
Radiation exposure: The amount of radiation received by an object or organism from a radioactive source.
Radiation measurement: The different methods and tools used to measure radiation, such as Geiger counters and dosimeters.
Radioactive isotopes: Elements that have unstable nuclei and emit radiation as they decay.
Radiation therapy: The use of radiation to treat cancer and other medical conditions.
Nuclear energy: The use of nuclear reactions to generate electricity.
Gamma ray astronomy: The study of gamma rays emitted by celestial objects to understand their properties and behavior.
Radioactive dating: The use of radioactive isotopes to determine the age of fossils and other materials.
Alpha Radiation: Consists of a particle with two protons and two neutrons. It is positively charged and has limited penetrating ability, and can be stopped by a sheet of paper or human skin.
Beta Radiation: Consists of a high-speed electron emitted by a nucleus during beta decay. It is negatively charged and has moderate penetrating ability, and can be stopped by a few millimeters of aluminum or plastic.
Gamma Radiation: Consists of high-energy photons emitted by the nucleus during radioactive decay. It is neutral and has high penetrating ability, and can only be stopped by thick materials such as concrete or lead.
Neutron Radiation: Consists of free neutrons that can be emitted by certain types of radioactive decay or nuclear reactions. It has high penetrating ability and can be stopped by thick layers of water or concrete.
X-Rays: High-energy electromagnetic radiation that is produced artificially through the use of an X-ray machine. It has high penetrating ability and can only be stopped by thick materials such as lead.
Ultraviolet Radiation: Short-wavelength electromagnetic radiation emitted by the sun and certain artificial light sources. It has moderate penetrating ability and can cause damage to skin and eyes.
Infrared Radiation: Long-wavelength electromagnetic radiation emitted by warm objects. It has low penetrating ability and is commonly used for heating and imaging applications.
Visible Light: Electromagnetic radiation with wavelengths that can be seen by the human eye. It has low penetrating ability and is essential for vision.
Microwaves: Electromagnetic radiation with longer wavelengths than visible light. It has low penetrating ability and is used for communication and cooking.
Radio Waves: Electromagnetic radiation with the longest wavelengths. It has low penetrating ability and is used for communication and broadcasting.
- "In physics, radiation is the emission or transmission of energy in the form of waves or particles through space or through a material medium."
- "This includes electromagnetic radiation, such as radio waves, microwaves, infrared, visible light, ultraviolet, x-rays, and gamma radiation (γ)."
- "Particle radiation, such as alpha radiation (α), beta radiation (β), proton radiation, and neutron radiation (particles of non-zero rest energy)."
- "Acoustic radiation, such as ultrasound, sound, and seismic waves (dependent on a physical transmission medium)."
- "Gravitational radiation takes the form of gravitational waves, or ripples in the curvature of spacetime."
- "Radiation is often categorized as either ionizing or non-ionizing depending on the energy of the radiated particles."
- "Ionizing radiation carries more than 10 eV, which is enough to ionize atoms and molecules and break chemical bonds. This is an important distinction due to the large difference in harmfulness to living organisms."
- "A common source of ionizing radiation is radioactive materials that emit α, β, or γ radiation... Other sources include X-rays from medical radiography examinations and muons, mesons, positrons, neutrons, and other particles that constitute the secondary cosmic rays."
- "Gamma rays, X-rays, and the higher energy range of ultraviolet light constitute the ionizing part of the electromagnetic spectrum."
- "The waves of longer wavelength than UV in visible light, infrared and microwave frequencies cannot ionize atoms but can disrupt the inter-atomic bonds which form molecules, thereby breaking down molecules rather than atoms."
- "Radio wavelengths and below generally are not regarded as harmful to biological systems."
- "The word 'radiation' arises from the phenomenon of waves radiating (i.e., traveling outward in all directions) from a source."
- "Because such radiation expands as it passes through space, and as its energy is conserved (in vacuum), the intensity of all types of radiation from a point source follows an inverse-square law in relation to the distance from its source."
- "This aspect leads to a system of measurements and physical units that are applicable to all types of radiation."
- "Like any ideal law, the inverse-square law approximates a measured radiation intensity to the extent that the source approximates a geometric point."
- "Ionizing radiation carries more than 10 eV, which is enough to ionize atoms and molecules and break chemical bonds."
- "A common source of ionizing radiation is radioactive materials that emit α, β, or γ radiation, consisting of helium nuclei, electrons or positrons, and photons, respectively."
- "The waves of longer wavelength than UV in visible light, infrared and microwave frequencies cannot ionize atoms but can disrupt the inter-atomic bonds which form molecules, thereby breaking down molecules rather than atoms."
- "Ionizing radiation carries more than 10 eV, which is enough to ionize atoms and molecules and break chemical bonds. This is an important distinction due to the large difference in harmfulness to living organisms."
- "Radio wavelengths and below generally are not regarded as harmful to biological systems."