"In theoretical physics, quantum field theory (QFT) is a theoretical framework combining classical field theory, special relativity, and quantum mechanics."
A subfield that describes the behavior of particles and their interactions using quantum mechanics.
Classical Field Theory: Introduces the mathematical tools and concepts necessary to describe classical fields, including Lagrangians, Euler-Lagrange equations, and Noether's theorem.
Canonical Quantization: Develops the procedure for quantizing classical field theories, including defining the commutation relations between field operators.
Quantum Mechanics: A primer on the principles of quantum mechanics, including wave-particle duality, operators and observables, and the Schrodinger equation.
Relativistic Quantum Mechanics: Develops quantum mechanics in special relativity, including the Dirac equation and spinors.
Interacting Quantum Fields: Explores the difficulties and challenges of describing interacting quantum fields and introduces perturbation theory.
Path Integrals: Introduces the powerful technique of the path integral, which allows us to compute quantum amplitudes and probabilities over all possible paths.
Gauge Theory: Expands the scope of QFT to include gauge fields and symmetry transformations, including the importance of the U(1), SU(2) and SU(3) groups.
Renormalization: Discusses the issues that arise when we try to reconcile quantum fields with the observed phenomenon of divergent integrals, and introduces the techniques of regularization and renormalization.
Effective Field Theory: Describes the use of EFTs to describe the behavior of a system at energy scales below the mass of some heavy particle, for which one can integrate out the heavy degrees of freedom.
Quantum Electrodynamics: Applies the principles of QFT to the study of electromagnetic fields and the interactions of photons with charged particles.
Weak Interactions: Expands on the work of QED to include the study of weak interactions and gauge bosons like W and Z bosons.
Quantum Chromodynamics: Applies QFT to describe strong interactions, the behavior of quarks and gluons, and the confinement of quarks within hadrons.
Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking: Discusses the phenomenon of spontaneous symmetry breaking, where a system at high energy possesses a symmetry that is broken at lower energies.
Standard Model: Brings together all the principles and concepts of QFT to describe the elementary particles and the interactions between them.
"QFT is used in particle physics to construct physical models of subatomic particles."
"QFT is used in condensed matter physics to construct models of quasiparticles."
"QFT treats particles as excited states (also called quanta) of their underlying quantum fields."
"Quantum fields, which are more fundamental than the particles."
"The equation of motion of the particle is determined by minimization of the action computed for the Lagrangian."
"The Lagrangian is a functional of fields associated with the particle."
"Interactions between particles are described by interaction terms in the Lagrangian involving their corresponding quantum fields."
"Each interaction can be visually represented by Feynman diagrams."
"According to perturbation theory in quantum mechanics."
"A theoretical framework combining classical field theory, special relativity, and quantum mechanics."
"Quantum fields are more fundamental than the particles."
"The equation of motion of the particle is determined by minimization of the action computed for the Lagrangian."
"Interactions between particles are described by interaction terms in the Lagrangian involving their corresponding quantum fields."
"Each interaction can be visually represented by Feynman diagrams."
"QFT is used in particle physics to construct physical models of subatomic particles."
"QFT is used in condensed matter physics to construct models of quasiparticles."
"Particles are treated as excited states (quanta) of quantum fields."
"The minimization of the action computed for the Lagrangian."
"Interactions between particles manifest as interaction terms in the Lagrangian."