"The term was coined by the French philosopher Voltaire."
The study of historical processes and interpretations.
Historical Materialism: A Marxist theory of history that posits that socioeconomic factors determine the development of human society.
The Great Man Theory: The idea that history is primarily shaped by the actions of individuals or 'great men.'.
Teleology: The idea that history has a predetermined or 'goal-oriented' progress towards a certain end.
Historicity: The characteristic of historical events or processes that makes them unique and irreproducible.
The Philosophy of History as Metaphysics: The study of history as a way of revealing fundamental metaphysical truths about reality.
Historiography: The study of historical methods and the writing of history.
Hermeneutics: The study of interpreting historical texts and documents.
The Hegelian Philosophy of History: A theory of history that sees the development of human consciousness as a driving force behind historical progress.
The Idea of Progress: The belief that human society and history are constantly improving and evolving.
The Philosophy of History as Critique: The study of history as a way of critiquing and analyzing the dominant cultural narratives and ideologies of a society.
The Philosophy of History as Ethics: The study of history as a way of understanding the moral and ethical dimensions of human actions and societies throughout history.
Postmodernism and the Philosophy of History: A movement that challenges the idea of objective historical truth and instead sees history as a series of subjective narratives and interpretations.
"The former questions the meaning and purpose of the historical process whereas the latter studies the foundations and implications of history and the historical method."
"Contemporary philosophy of history has developed a distinction between the speculative philosophy of history and the critical philosophy of history."
"The names of these are derived from C. D. Broad's distinction between critical philosophy and speculative philosophy."
"Speculative philosophy of history questions the meaning and purpose of the historical process."
"Critical philosophy of history studies the foundations and implications of history and the historical method."
"The latter [critical philosophy of history] studies the foundations and implications of history and the historical method."
"Speculative philosophy of history questions the meaning and purpose of the historical process."
"Critical philosophy of history studies the foundations and implications of history and the historical method."
"The critical philosophy of history is now referred to as analytic."
"The former questions the meaning and purpose of the historical process whereas the latter studies the foundations and implications of history and the historical method."
"The names of these are derived from C. D. Broad's distinction between critical philosophy and speculative philosophy."
"Speculative philosophy of history questions the meaning and purpose of the historical process."
"Critical philosophy of history studies the foundations and implications of history and the historical method."
"The names of these are derived from C. D. Broad's distinction between critical philosophy and speculative philosophy."
"The speculative philosophy of history and the critical philosophy of history."
"The critical philosophy of history studies the foundations and implications of history and the historical method."
"The former [speculative philosophy of history] questions the meaning and purpose of the historical process."
"The critical philosophy of history is now referred to as analytic."
"The names of these are derived from C. D. Broad's distinction between critical philosophy and speculative philosophy."