Strategic studies (military sciences)

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A study of the use of military power and ways in which to use it effectively in achieving strategic outcomes.

Military Strategy: The study of how military force is applied in order to achieve political objectives.
Military History: The study of past military conflicts and their outcomes in order to gain insight and understanding.
International Relations: The study of how countries interact with each other and the impact of those interactions on global affairs and security.
National Security Policy: The development and implementation of policies designed to protect a country from external threats.
Military Doctrine: A set of principles and guidelines that govern the behavior and actions of the military.
Strategic Leadership: The ability to provide guidance and direction to individuals and organizations in order to achieve strategic objectives.
International Security: The study of threats to global security and ways to mitigate those threats.
Weapons and Technology: The study of weapons systems and technology and their impact on military operations.
Tactics: The specific techniques used by military units in order to achieve success in battle.
Logistics: The planning and execution of the movement of personnel, equipment, and supplies.
Intelligence: The gathering and analysis of information in order to gain insight into the enemy and make informed decisions.
Cybersecurity: The protection of computer systems and networks from theft, damage, or attack.
"Strategic studies is an interdisciplinary academic field centered on the study of conflict and peace strategies, often devoting special attention to the relationship between military history, international politics, geostrategy, international diplomacy, international economics, and military power."
"The scope of the studies are also subjects such as the role of intelligence, diplomacy, and international cooperation for security and defense."
"The subject is normally taught at the post-graduate academic or professional, usually strategic-political and strategic-military levels."
"The academic foundations of the subject began with classic texts initially from the Orient such as Sun Tzu’s Art of War and went on to gain a European focus with Carl von Clausewitz’s On War."
"Many academics in this field reject monocausal theories and hypotheses that reduce the study of conflict to one independent variable and one dependent variable."
"Carl von Clausewitz rejected Bülow’s approach and his popular claim that warfare could be reduced to positivist, teachable principles of war."
"The whole purpose of educating the military commander is not to give him a series of answers for the task he will face, but to educate him about different aspects of what will face him so as to let him evaluate the situation for himself, and develop his own strategy."
"Strategic thinkers on the whole will search for recurrent patterns, which in themselves cannot predict the characteristics of any individual case even if it doubtless fits a larger category; not all patterns of characteristics will be found in all cases."
"In recent times, the major conflicts of the nineteenth century and the two World Wars have spurred strategic thinkers such as Mahan, Corbett, Giulio Douhet, Liddell Hart and, later, André Beaufre."
"The Cold War with its danger of degenerating into a nuclear war produced an expansion of the discipline."
"Authors like Bernard Brodie, Michael Howard, Raymond Aron, Lucien Poirier, Lawrence Freedman, Colin Gray, and many others."
"...often devoting special attention to the relationship between military history, international politics, geostrategy, international diplomacy, international economics, and military power."
"...such as the role of intelligence, diplomacy, and international cooperation for security and defense."
"Classic texts initially from the Orient such as Sun Tzu’s Art of War and... Carl von Clausewitz’s On War."
"Strategic studies... centers on the study of conflict and peace strategies, often devoting special attention to the relationship between military history, international politics, geostrategy, international diplomacy, international economics, and military power."
"The purpose of educating the military commander is... to let him evaluate the situation for himself, and develop his own strategy."
"Many academics in this field reject monocausal theories and hypotheses that reduce the study of conflict to one independent variable and one dependent variable."
"...Clausewitz stressing, time and again, that the whole purpose of educating the military commander is... to educate him about different aspects of what will face him."
"The subject is normally taught at the post-graduate academic or professional, usually strategic-political and strategic-military levels."
"Not all patterns of characteristics will be found in all cases."