- "Museum education is a specialized field devoted to developing and strengthening the education role of informal education spaces and institutions such as museums."
Museum education involves developing educational programs for visitors to museums.
History of Museums: Explore the evolution of museums and their role in society from ancient times to present day.
Learning Theories: Study various theories of learning and how they apply to museum education, including constructivism, experiential learning, social learning, and more.
Curriculum Development: Learn how to create effective educational programs that are engaging, informative, and meet the needs of a variety of learners.
Visitor Studies: Examine how visitors interact with exhibits and educational programs, and use this knowledge to improve the visitor experience and learning outcomes.
Interpretation Techniques: Explore various techniques for communicating information to visitors in a meaningful and memorable way, including storytelling, object-based learning, and more.
Assessment and Evaluation: Learn how to assess the effectiveness of educational programs and evaluate learning outcomes, using tools such as surveys and observations.
Inclusive Practices: Explore how to make museum education programs accessible to diverse audiences, including people with disabilities, non-native speakers, and different age groups.
Technology in Museum Education: Study ways in which technology can enhance the museum education experience, including interactive exhibits, augmented reality, and online resources.
Community Engagement: Learn how to engage with local communities and involve them in the development and implementation of museum education programs.
Professional Ethics: Explore ethical considerations relevant to museum education, including issues of privacy, cultural sensitivity, and intellectual property rights.
- "In a critical report called Excellence and Equity published in 1992 by the American Association of Museums..."
- "...the educational role of museums was identified as the core to museums' service to the public."
- "As museum education has developed as a field of study and interest in its own right..."
- "...efforts have been made to record its history and to establish a research agenda to strengthen its position as a discipline in the wider work of museums."