"The strategy used to influence the outcome of an election by discouraging or preventing specific groups of people from voting."
The study of laws that protect individuals' rights to vote, including voter ID laws, gerrymandering, and efforts to suppress voting.
"[Voter suppression] attempts to gain an advantage by reducing the turnout of certain voters."
"Suppression is an anti-democratic tactic associated with authoritarianism."
"Some argue the term 'voter suppression' downplays the harm done when voices aren't reflected in an election, calling for terms like 'vote destruction' that accounts for the permanence of each vote not being cast."
"The tactics of voter suppression range from changes that make voting more confusing or time-intensive, to intimidating or harming prospective voters."
"It is distinguished from political campaigning... [by] reducing the turnout of certain voters."
"Suppression is an anti-democratic tactic associated with authoritarianism."
"Some argue the term 'voter suppression' downplays the harm done when voices aren't reflected in an election."
"Calling for terms like 'vote destruction' that accounts for the permanence of each vote not being cast."
"The tactics of voter suppression range from changes that make voting more confusing or time-intensive, to intimidating or harming prospective voters."
"The strategy used to influence the outcome of an election."
"It attempts to gain an advantage by reducing the turnout of certain voters."
"Suppression is an anti-democratic tactic associated with authoritarianism."
"Some argue for terms like 'vote destruction' that accounts for the permanence of each vote not being cast."
"The tactics of voter suppression range from changes that make voting more confusing or time-intensive, to intimidating or harming prospective voters."
"To influence the outcome of an election."
"It attempts to gain an advantage by reducing the turnout of certain voters."
"It is an anti-democratic tactic."
"Some argue the term 'voter suppression' downplays the harm done when voices aren't reflected in an election."
"The tactics of voter suppression range from changes that make voting more confusing or time-intensive, to intimidating or harming prospective voters."