"A social science field that identifies and analyzes violent and nonviolent behaviors as well as the structural mechanisms attending conflicts (including social conflicts), with a view towards understanding those processes which lead to a more desirable human condition."
The study of armed conflicts and their impact on societies and cultures.
International Relations: The study of relationships between different countries, including variables such as diplomacy, foreign policy, and international organizations.
Military History: The study of the evolution, development, and transformations of armed forces, warfare, and strategic thought.
Peace and Conflict Resolution: The study of methods and strategies to resolve or prevent conflicts and promote peaceful relations, including conflict resolution theories, techniques, and negotiation strategies.
Conflict Management: The study of methods and techniques for managing conflicts, both at the individual and group levels, including strategies for resolving conflicts, reducing hostility, and restoring communication.
International Law: The study of laws and regulations that govern international relations and conflicts, such as the laws of war, human rights, and international criminal law.
Political Science: The study of political institutions, processes, and behavior, including the study of political ideology, political systems, and political culture.
Psychology of Conflict: The study of the psychological and emotional factors that underlie conflicts and affect conflict resolution, including topics such as identity, motivation, and emotion management.
Sociology of Conflict: The study of the social structures, processes, and institutions that contribute to the emergence, escalation, or resolution of conflicts, including topics such as social inequality, power dynamics, and social norms.
Terrorism and Political Violence: The study of political violence, terrorism, and insurgency, including issues such as motivation, recruitment, organization, and counter-terrorism strategies.
War and Society: The study of the impact of wars on societies, including topics such as war economies, social mobilization, and post-war transitions.
"This social science is in contrast to military studies, which has as its aim the efficient attainment of victory in conflicts, primarily by violent means to the satisfaction of one or more, but not all, parties involved."
"An interdisciplinary effort aiming at the prevention, de-escalation, and solution of conflicts by peaceful means, thereby seeking 'victory' for all parties involved in the conflict."
"Philosophy, political science, geography, economics, psychology, communication studies, sociology, international relations, history, anthropology, religious studies, gender studies, law, and development studies as well as a variety of others."
"Relevant sub-disciplines of such fields, such as peace economics, may be regarded as belonging to peace and conflict studies also."
"The prevention, de-escalation, and solution of conflicts by peaceful means."
"Violent and nonviolent behaviors as well as the structural mechanisms attending conflicts."
"With a view towards understanding those processes which lead to a more desirable human condition."
"The efficient attainment of victory in conflicts, primarily by violent means to the satisfaction of one or more, but not all, parties involved."
"Seeking 'victory' for all parties involved in the conflict."
"Gender studies, law, and development studies as well as a variety of others."
"The prevention, de-escalation, and solution of conflicts."
"Political science, psychology, sociology, international relations, anthropology, and religious studies."
"Violent and nonviolent behaviors as well as social conflicts."
"The efficient attainment of victory in conflicts."
"The processes which lead to a more desirable human condition."
"Relevant sub-disciplines of such fields, such as peace economics, may be regarded as belonging to peace and conflict studies also."
"To understand and work towards a more desirable human condition."
"Seeking 'victory' for all parties involved in the conflict."
"Geography, economics, communication studies, history, and a variety of others."