"Celestial cartography, uranography, astrography, or star cartography is the aspect of astronomy and branch of cartography concerned with mapping stars, galaxies, and other astronomical objects on the celestial sphere."
The mapping of stars, planets, and other celestial bodies.
Basic Astronomy: Understanding of the celestial sphere, coordinates, and the motions of celestial objects.
History of Celestial Cartography: The development of celestial maps, globes, and celestial atlases over the centuries.
Star Catalogs: Understanding star catalogues and how they are used in cartography for accurate mapping of the stars.
Map Projection: Different projections used in cartography and their astronomical application.
Astronomical Photography: Understanding various astronomical photography techniques and their use in celestial cartography.
Sky Objects: Understanding the positions and movements of different celestial objects such as stars, galaxies, planets, asteroids, etc.
Constellations: Understanding the traditional constellations and how they are depicted in celestial maps.
Deep Sky Objects: Understanding the positions and appearances of deep sky objects such as nebulae, star clusters, and galaxies.
Planetary Nomenclature: Understanding the geological and astronomical names of different celestial bodies, including planets and their moons.
Celestial Navigation: Understanding the use of the stars for celestial navigation and how celestial maps are used in navigation.
Astrolabes and Sextants: Understanding the use of astrolabes and sextants in celestial cartography.
Astrography: The study of astronomical instruments and their use in celestial cartography.
Ephemeris: Understanding the use of astronomical tables for locating celestial bodies at specific times.
Astrostatistics: Understanding statistical analysis applied to celestial maps, such as measuring distance and size of celestial objects.
Modern Celestial Cartography: Understanding the digital mapping techniques used in modern celestial cartography, including use of 3D modelling and virtual reality.
Astrocartography: Mapping of astronomical phenomena and features, such as constellations, stars, and galaxies.
Cosmography: The study of the physical universe in general, including its spatial structure and evolution, as well as the organization of astronomical objects.
Astrolabe: A sophisticated astronomical instrument used for determining the position of celestial objects in the sky. It consists of a disk with several rotating parts that can be adjusted to specific dates, times and geographic locations in order to determine the position of the stars and other celestial bodies.
Astrometry: The branch of astronomy concerned with measuring the positions and distances of celestial objects.
Stellar Cartography: The study of the positions and movements of the stars, as well as the identification and classification of different types of stars.
Planetary Cartography: The mapping of planets and their moons, including their surface features, atmosphere, and geological formations.
Lunar Cartography: The mapping of the Moon's surface, including its topography, terrain and geological features.
Solar Cartography: The mapping of the Sun's surface, including its magnetic fields, sunspot patterns, and solar flares.
Galaxy Cartography: The mapping of the structure, composition and distribution of galaxies across the universe.
Exoplanet Cartography: The mapping of exoplanets: Planets that orbit stars outside of our solar system.
Cosmic Cartography: The mapping and exploration of the physical universe as a whole, including the distribution of dark matter, black holes, and other cosmic phenomena.
Celestial Navigation: The use of celestial bodies, such as stars, to determine a ship or aircraft's position on the Earth's surface.
Celestial Telescopes: Telescopes that are specifically designed for observing celestial objects, such as stars, galaxies, and nebulae.
Spacecraft Navigation: The use of celestial bodies and other methods to navigate spacecraft on interplanetary and interstellar missions.
Astroparticle Physics: The study of cosmic rays, neutrinos and other high-energy particles that are produced by celestial objects and can be detected by detectors on Earth.
"Measuring the position and light of charted objects requires a variety of instruments and techniques."
"These techniques have developed from angle measurements with quadrants and the unaided eye, through sextants combined with lenses for light magnification, up to current methods which include computer-automated space telescopes."
"Uranographers have historically produced planetary position tables, star tables, and star maps for use by both amateur and professional astronomers."
"Star maps have been compiled, and automated positioning of telescopes uses databases of stars and of other astronomical objects."
"More recently, computerized star maps have been compiled..."
"Measuring the position and light of charted objects requires a variety of instruments and techniques...up to current methods which include computer-automated space telescopes."
"The aspect of astronomy and branch of cartography concerned with mapping stars, galaxies, and other astronomical objects on the celestial sphere."
"Celestial cartography, uranography, astrography, or star cartography..."
"Mapping stars, galaxies, and other astronomical objects on the celestial sphere."
"Mapping stars, galaxies, and other astronomical objects on the celestial sphere."
"Measuring the position and light of charted objects requires a variety of instruments and techniques."
"Star maps have been compiled for use by both amateur and professional astronomers."
"Computerized star maps have been compiled..."
"Uranographers have historically produced planetary position tables, star tables, and star maps..."
"The unaided eye, through sextants combined with lenses for light magnification."
"Current methods include computer-automated space telescopes."
"Computer-automated space telescopes offer more precise measurements."
"Automated positioning of telescopes uses databases of stars and of other astronomical objects."
"Celestial cartography is an aspect of astronomy that involves mapping stars, galaxies, and other astronomical objects, which aids both amateur and professional astronomers."