"Traditional knowledge (TK), indigenous knowledge (IK) and local knowledge generally refer to knowledge systems embedded in the cultural traditions of regional, indigenous, or local communities."
The role of traditional knowledge and indigenous practices in subsistence agriculture including seed saving, natural pest control, and soil conservation.
Indigenous Peoples: This topic covers the history, culture, and traditions of Indigenous communities, including their interaction with the land and natural resources.
Subsistence Agriculture: This topic explores the practices, techniques, and technologies used by Indigenous communities to grow and harvest crops, as well as their knowledge of plants, soil, and climate.
Traditional Ecological Knowledge (TEK): This topic refers to the accumulated knowledge and wisdom of Indigenous communities regarding the natural world, including species, habitats, ecosystems, and climate.
Sacred Sites and Traditional Land Management Practices: This topic explores the significance of sacred places to Indigenous communities and their role in the broader landscape, as well as traditional land management practices.
Food Sovereignty: This topic covers the right of Indigenous communities to determine their own food systems and practices, as well as the challenges and opportunities for achieving this goal in a globalized world.
Health and Wellness: This topic looks at the interconnectedness of health and wellness with culture, community, and the natural world, as well as the role of traditional practices in promoting physical, mental, and spiritual wellbeing.
Governance and Self-Determination: This topic covers the efforts by Indigenous communities to assert their rights and autonomy over their lands, resources, and cultures, as well as the role of traditional knowledge and practices in governance and decision-making.
Intellectual Property and Traditional Knowledge: This topic examines the legal and ethical issues surrounding the use and ownership of traditional knowledge and practices by non-Indigenous actors and the importance of protecting Indigenous intellectual property.
Climate Change and Adaptation: This topic explores the impact of climate change on Indigenous communities and their traditional practices, as well as their resilience and adaptation strategies in the face of environmental change.
Inter-generational Transmission and Preservation of Traditional Knowledge: This topic looks at the importance of passing on traditional knowledge and practices from one generation to the next, as well as the challenges and opportunities for preserving and revitalizing Indigenous cultures in a rapidly changing world.
Seed Saving: The practice of collecting and preserving seeds from plants for future use.
Crop Rotation: A method of planting different crops in the same field in a cyclical manner to retain soil health and prevent pest infestations.
Companion Planting: Planting different crops together to benefit each other, for example, planting beans next to corn which can benefit the soil.
Herbal Medicine: The knowledge and use of natural plant remedies for healing and medicinal purposes, which is common in traditional medicine.
Wildcrafting: Gathering plants and herbs from the wild and using them for food, medicine, and crafts.
Hunting and Fishing: Traditional methods of catching wild game or fish for food, which can include using hunting dogs, fishing nets, and traps.
Beekeeping: The practice of keeping honeybees to produce honey and pollinate crops.
Agroforestry: Intercropping food crops with trees and other plants that can provide shade, reduce erosion, and improve soil fertility.
Irrigation: The use of water management systems to distribute water throughout fields or gardens to support the growth of crops.
Harvest Festivals: A cultural celebration of the abundance of the harvest season, often including dances, feasts, and other ceremonies.
"According to the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) and the United Nations (UN), traditional knowledge and traditional cultural expressions (TCE) are both types of indigenous knowledge."
"Traditional knowledge includes types of knowledge about traditional technologies of subsistence (e.g. tools and techniques for hunting or agriculture), midwifery, ethnobotany and ecological knowledge, traditional medicine, celestial navigation, craft skills, ethnoastronomy, climate, and others."
"These kinds of knowledge, crucial for subsistence and survival, are generally based on accumulations of empirical observation and on interaction with the environment."
"In many cases, traditional knowledge has been passed for generations from person to person, as an oral tradition."
"Some forms of traditional knowledge find expression in culture, stories, legends, folklore, rituals, songs, and laws, languages, songlines, dance, games, mythology, designs, visual art and architecture, falling under the category of traditional cultural expressions."