Deviance (sociology)

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Behavior that is considered outside the norm of a society and often requires some form of societal response or punishment.

Social Constructivism: A theoretical perspective that emphasizes the role of social interactions and cultural norms in shaping individuals’ experiences of deviance.
Labeling Theory: A theory that suggests individuals can be labeled as 'deviant' based on their actions and perceived social status, which can lead to further marginalization and stigmatization.
Deviant Subcultures: Groups of people who share norms and values that differ from mainstream culture and engage in behaviors or practices that are considered deviant by society.
Crime and Punishment: A field of study that focuses on the legal and social institutions that define and respond to deviant behavior, including law enforcement, criminal justice systems, and social welfare programs.
Power and Privilege: An area of study that explores how social structures and institutions, such as race, gender, and social class, shape perceptions of deviance and influence who is labeled as 'deviant.'.
"Deviance or the sociology of deviance explores the actions and/or behaviors that violate social norms across formally enacted rules (e.g., crime) as well as informal violations of social norms (e.g., rejecting folkways and mores)."
"Although deviance may have a negative connotation, the violation of social norms is not always a negative action; positive deviation exists in some situations."
"Social norms differ throughout society and between cultures."
"A certain act or behavior may be viewed as deviant and receive sanctions or punishments within one society and be seen as a normal behavior in another society."
"Additionally, as a society's understanding of social norms changes over time, so too does the collective perception of deviance."
"Deviance is relative to the place where it was committed or to the time the act took place."
"Killing another human is generally considered wrong, for example, except when governments permit it during warfare or for self-defense."
"There are two types of major deviant actions: mala in se and mala prohibita."
"Formally enacted rules (e.g., crime)."
"Informal violations of social norms (e.g., rejecting folkways and mores)."
"Although a norm is violated, a behavior can still be classified as positive or acceptable."
"A certain act or behavior may be viewed as deviant and receive sanctions or punishments within one society."
"A certain act or behavior may be viewed as deviant and receive sanctions or punishments within one society and be seen as a normal behavior in another society."
"As a society's understanding of social norms changes over time, so too does the collective perception of deviance."
"Deviance is relative to the place where it was committed or to the time the act took place."
"Killing another human is generally considered wrong, for example, except when governments permit it during warfare or for self-defense."
"A certain act or behavior may be viewed as deviant and receive sanctions or punishments within one society."
"Social norms differ throughout society and between cultures."
"As a society's understanding of social norms changes over time, so too does the collective perception of deviance."
"A certain act or behavior may be viewed as deviant and receive sanctions or punishments within one society and be seen as a normal behavior in another society."