Cultural Identity

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The study of how people construct and understand their sense of self and belonging within cultural frameworks.

Culture: The shared beliefs, values, customs, behaviors, and artifacts that characterizes a group or society.
Socialization: The process by which individuals acquire the knowledge, attitudes, values, and behaviors characteristic of their culture.
Ethnic identity: The sense of attachment, belonging, and loyalty to a particular ethnic group or culture.
Race and racism: The concept of race and its social construction, as well as the ways in which racism affects cultural identity.
Gender and sexuality identity: The ways in which gender and sexuality are constructed and how they shape cultural identity.
Age identity: The ways in which age is constructed and how it shapes cultural identity.
National identity: The sense of attachment and belonging to a particular nation or country.
Cultural heritage: The physical and intangible artifacts, traditions, and beliefs that are passed down from generation to generation.
Multiculturalism: The coexistence of multiple cultural identities within a society.
Globalization: The ways in which cultural identities are influenced by global forces and interactions.
Intersectionality: The ways in which multiple identities intersect and affect cultural identity.
Identity politics: The ways in which political movements are shaped by cultural identity.
Acculturation: The process by which individuals or groups adapt to a new culture.
Assimilation: The process by which individuals or groups adopt the dominant culture at the expense of their own cultural identity.
Ethnic enclaves: The geographic concentration of ethnic groups within a larger society.
Ethnic Identity: It is the identification with an ethnic group and its cultural traditions.
National Identity: It is the identity of belonging to a particular nation or country.
Religious Identity: It is the identity of belonging to a particular religion and its cultural practices.
Linguistic Identity: It is the identity of belonging to a particular language group.
Gender Identity: It is the identity of belonging to a particular gender and the cultural practices associated with it.
Sexual Identity: It is the identity of an individual in terms of their sexual orientation.
Occupational Identity: It is the identity of an individual associated with their profession or occupation.
Cultural Heritage Identity: It is the identity of an individual associated with their cultural heritage.
Generation Identity: It is the identity of an individual associated with their generation or age group.
Regional or Geographic Identity: It is the identity of an individual associated with a particular region or geographic area.
Socioeconomic Identity: It is the identity of an individual associated with their socio-economic status.
Political Identity: It is the identity of an individual associated with their political beliefs and practices.
Quote: "Cultural identity is related to nationality, ethnicity, religion, social class, generation, locality or any kind of social group that has its own distinct culture."
Quote: "Cultural identity is a fluid process that is changed by different social, cultural, and historical experiences."
Quote: "Some people undergo more cultural identity changes as opposed to others, those who change less often have a clear cultural identity."
Quote: "There are three pieces that make up a person's cultural identity: cultural knowledge, category label, and social connections."
Quote: "Cultural knowledge refers to a person's connection to their identity through understanding their culture's core characteristics."
Quote: "Category label refers to a person's connection to their identity through indirect membership of said culture."
Quote: "Social connections refers to a person's connection to their identity through their social relationships."
Quote: "Cultural identity is developed through a series of steps. First, a person comes to understand a culture through being immersed in those values, beliefs, and practices. Second, the person then identifies as a member of that culture dependent on their rank within that community. Third, they develop relationships such as immediate family, close friends, coworkers, and neighbors."
Quote: "Underpinning the notion of culture is that it is dynamic and changes over time and in different contexts."
Quote: "Resulting in many people today identifying with one or more cultures and many different..."
Quote: "A person's understanding of their own and other's identities develops from birth and is shaped by the values and attitudes prevalent at home and in the surrounding community."
Quote: "Cultural identity is a part of a person's identity, or their self-conception and self-perception."
Quote: "Cultural identity is both characteristic of the individual but also of the culturally identical group."
Quote: "Cultural identity is related to...upbringing."
Quote: "Cultural identity is both characteristic of the individual but also of the culturally identical group of members sharing the same cultural identity or upbringing."
Quote: "Cultural identity is a fluid process that is changed by different social, cultural, and historical experiences."
Quote: "The person then identifies as a member of that culture dependent on their rank within that community."
Quote: "They develop relationships such as immediate family, close friends, coworkers, and neighbors."
Quote: "Culture is dynamic and changes over time and in different contexts."
Quote: "It is a defining feature of a person's identity, contributing to how they see themselves and the groups with which they identify."