"Prisoner reentry is the process by which prisoners who have been released return to the community."
This involves helping incarcerated people re-enter the community after their release.
Criminal justice system: Understanding the history, structure, and operation of the criminal justice system, including courts, law enforcement, and correctional facilities.
Corrections social work: Understanding the role and responsibilities of social workers in correctional facilities and the challenges they face when working with inmates.
Treatment interventions: Understanding the different types of evidence-based interventions used in criminal justice and correctional settings, such as cognitive-behavioral therapy, substance abuse treatment, and anger management.
Reentry programming: Understanding the challenges and opportunities related to re-entry to society after incarceration, including employment, housing, and social support.
Mental health: Understanding the prevalence of mental health disorders in correctional populations and the role of social workers in addressing these issues.
Substance abuse: Understanding the prevalence of substance abuse and addiction in correctional populations and the role of social workers in addressing these issues.
Trauma: Understanding the impact of trauma on incarcerated individuals and the role of social workers in addressing trauma-related issues.
Ethics: Understanding the ethical principles and standards that guide social work practice in correctional settings.
Advocacy: Understanding the role of social workers in advocating for the rights and needs of incarcerated individuals.
Community-based corrections: Understanding alternative sentencing options to incarceration and the role of social workers in supporting individuals in community-based programs.
"Reducing recidivism."
"Employment-oriented programs... drug rehabilitation programs... halfway house programs."
"It wasn't until the mid-2000s that this looming 'prisoner re-entry crisis' became a fixation of sociologists and policy makers, generating a torrent of research, government programs, task forces, nonprofit initiatives, and conferences now known as the 're-entry movement'."
"At the end of 2001, there were approximately 5.6 million U.S. adults who had been in the incarceration system."
"In 2016, approximately 600,000 individuals were released from prison."
"With prisons becoming overcrowded, there is more political focus on depopulating prisons."
"The abrupt re-entrance into society means formerly incarcerated individuals require support to reintegrate."
"The United States federal government allocates some funding for re-entry programs."
"There is currently a lack of sufficient resources."
"Re-entry programs are now receiving more attention from public policy and criminal justice scholars."
"A 2006 study done by the Manpower Demonstration Research Corporation."
"Statistically evaluated the effectiveness of prisoner reentry programs on the criteria scale of working, not working, promising, and unknown."
"Employment-oriented programs... drug rehabilitation programs... halfway house programs."
"Educational programs."
"By the end of 2004, more than 3% of U.S. adults were incarcerated or on probation or parole."
"Communities... that are often disadvantaged."
"Government programs, task forces, nonprofit initiatives, and conferences now known as the 're-entry movement'."
"Millions were in and out of county jail systems."