"In secular usage, religious education is the teaching of a particular religion (although in the United Kingdom the term religious instruction would refer to the teaching of a particular religion, with religious education referring to teaching about religions in general) and its varied aspects: its beliefs, doctrines, rituals, customs, rites, and personal roles."
The study of how religion is taught and passed down to future generations.
World Religions: An overview of major world religions including their beliefs, practices and customs.
Biblical Studies: A study of the Bible, the holy book of Christianity, including its stories, themes, and teachings.
Theology: The study of God, religion, and religious beliefs and practices.
History of Religion: An exploration of the historical, cultural, and social factors that have shaped religions throughout history.
Religious Ethics: An examination of the principles and values guiding ethical decision making within different religions.
Comparative Religion: A comparative study of different religions as a means of understanding their similarities and differences.
Religion and Society: An exploration of the role of religion in shaping social structures, institutions, and individual behavior.
Religious Rituals and Traditions: A study of the ceremonies, practices, and traditions associated with different religions.
Religious Texts: An analysis of the significance and interpretations of religious texts within different religions.
Spirituality: An exploration of the personal and subjective experience of religious or spiritual beliefs and practices.
Sunday School: A Christian denomination-based religious education system that takes place on Sundays.
Madrasa: An Islamic religious education system where students learn both religious and secular subjects.
Yeshiva: A Jewish religious education system where students learn about Jewish laws, customs, and beliefs.
Gurukul: A Hindu religious education system where students live with their teachers and learn about Hinduism, spirituality, and philosophy.
Dharma School: A Buddhist religious education system where children learn about Buddhist teachings and practices.
Mekhitarist: An Armenian Catholic religious education system where students study theology and philosophy.
Sathya Sai Education: A New Age religious education system that combines the teachings of different religions and focuses on human values.
Sikh Religious Education: A Sikh religious education system that teaches Sikh history, beliefs, and practices.
Catechism Classes: A Catholic religious education system where students learn about Catholic teachings, sacraments, and traditions.
The School of Judaism: A Kabbalah-based Jewish religious education system where students learn about Jewish mysticism.
Taoist Education: A Taoism-based religious education system where students learn about Taoist principles, beliefs, and practices.
Baha’i Education: A Baha’i religious education system where students learn about Baha’i teachings, beliefs, and practices.
Scientology: A controversial religion that has its own education system.
Zoroastrian Education: A Zoroastrian religious education system where students learn about Zoroastrian teachings, customs, and rituals.
Druid Education: A modern Druidic religious education system where students learn about Druidic beliefs, spirituality, and practices.
Shinto Education: A Shinto-based religious education system where students learn about Shintoism, its history, and beliefs.
Jain Education: A Jain religious education system where students learn about Jainism, its philosophy, and practices.
Spiritual Formation and Development: A Christian-based education system that aims to develop spiritual maturity and growth.
Quaker Education: A Quaker-based religious education system where students learn about Quaker beliefs, practices, and principles.
Islamic Weekend Schools: A weekend school that focuses on Islamic education and teachings.
"In Western and secular culture, religious education implies a type of education which is largely separate from academia, and which (generally) regards religious belief as a fundamental tenet and operating modality, as well as a prerequisite for attendance."
"The secular concept is substantially different from societies that adhere to religious law, wherein 'religious education' connotes the dominant academic study, and in typically religious terms, teaches doctrines which define social customs as 'laws' and the violations thereof as 'crimes', or else misdemeanors requiring punitive correction."
"The free choice of religious education by parents according to their conviction is protected by Convention against Discrimination in Education."
"Some nations, including the United States, neither publicly support religious education nor include religion in the curriculum."
"In other contexts, such as the United Kingdom, an 'open' religious education has emerged from Christian confessionalism that it is intended to promote religious literacy without imparting a particular religious perspective."
"...teaching of a particular religion... and its varied aspects: its beliefs, doctrines, rituals, customs, rites, and personal roles."
"...regards religious belief as a fundamental tenet and operating modality..."
"...a type of education which is largely separate from academia..."
"...teaches doctrines which define social customs as 'laws'..."
"...a prerequisite for attendance."
"Religious education is a contentious topic everywhere."
"...neither publicly support religious education nor include religion in the curriculum."
"...intended to promote religious literacy without imparting a particular religious perspective."
" 'religious education' connotes the dominant academic study..."
"...teaches doctrines which define social customs as 'laws' and the violations thereof as 'crimes'..."
"The free choice of religious education by parents according to their conviction is protected by Convention against Discrimination in Education."
"...religious instruction would refer to the teaching of a particular religion, with religious education referring to teaching about religions in general."
"...intended to promote religious literacy without imparting a particular religious perspective."
"...regards religious belief as a fundamental tenet and operating modality..."