"Creationism is the religious belief that nature, and aspects such as the universe, Earth, life, and humans, originated with supernatural acts of divine creation."
The belief that the universe and living organisms originate from specific acts of divine creation, as in the biblical account, rather than by natural processes such as evolution.
The origins of the universe: The scientific explanation of how the universe came into being, the Big Bang Theory.
The origins of life: The scientific explanation of how life originated on Earth.
The Genesis account of creation: The Biblical view on the origins of the universe, the earth, and human beings, as described in the Book of Genesis.
Fossil record: The scientific evidence of the existence of extinct species, which can shed light on the history of life on Earth.
Flood geology: The idea that the geological formations on Earth can be explained by a catastrophic flood, as described in the Bible.
Intelligent design: The belief that certain features of the natural world can only be explained by the existence of an intelligent creator.
Evolution: The scientific explanation of how species evolve over time, through natural selection and genetic mutation.
The age of the Earth: The debate over the age of the Earth, with some creationists believing in a young Earth theory and others following scientific estimates of its age.
The nature of God: The theological understanding of God's role in the universe, as creator and sustainer.
The relationship between religion and science: The debate over the compatibility of religion and science, and the ways in which they can be reconciled.
Young Earth Creationism: The belief that the Earth and universe were created in six literal days, as described in the Biblical book of Genesis. This belief tends to align with a literal interpretation of the Bible.
Old Earth Creationism: The belief that the Universe and Earth are billions of years old, but that God still created them. This perspective tends to accept scientific evidence for an old universe while still believing in a divine creator.
Intelligent Design: The belief that certain characteristics of the natural world are best explained by an intelligent cause rather than natural processes alone. This belief often argues for the existence of an intelligent designer, rather than a specific deity.
Theistic Evolution: The belief that evolution occurred, but that it was guided by God. This belief combines scientific understanding of evolution with a religious perspective that a higher power was ultimately responsible for the development of life on Earth.
Young Earth Creationism: The belief that the Earth and universe were created in six literal days, but seeks to provide a scientific explanation for how this could have occurred. This perspective typically takes a more literal view of the book of Genesis and seeks to reconcile this with scientific evidence.
Gap Creationism: The belief that there was a long period of time which occurred between the first two verses of Genesis. This period is explained as a "gap" during which the Earth was formed, but not yet inhabited by living creatures. This perspective allows for a more figurative interpretation of the Bible.
Progressive Creationism: The belief that God created the universe in stages over a long period of time. This perspective accepts an old universe view and seeks to reconcile scientific evidence with a religious perspective on the nature of creation.
Day-Age Creationism: The belief that the "days" in Genesis represent long periods of time, rather than literal 24-hour periods. This perspective attempts to accommodate scientific evidence while still holding to a religious perspective on creation.
"Creationism includes a continuum of religious views, which vary in their acceptance or rejection of scientific explanations such as evolution."
"The most common form of creationism has been Young Earth creationism which posits special creation of the universe and lifeforms within the last 10,000 years."
"The only true explanations are those which are compatible with a Christian fundamentalist literal interpretation of the creation myth found in the Bible's Genesis creation narrative."
"Young Earth creationism... promotes pseudoscientific creation science."
"Old Earth creationism accepted geological time harmonized with Genesis through gap or day-age theory."
"Modern old-Earth creationists support progressive creationism and continue to reject evolutionary explanations."
"Mainline Protestants and the Catholic Church reconcile modern science with their faith in Creation through forms of theistic evolution."
"Following political controversy, creation science was reformulated as intelligent design and neo-creationism."
"Some members of the Islamic and Hindu faiths are creationists."
"Use of the term 'creationist' in this context dates back to Charles Darwin's unpublished 1842 sketch draft."
"A 'special creationist'... held that species 'were supernaturally originated just as they are, by the very terms of his doctrine places them out of the reach of scientific explanation.'" Note: The given paragraph does not contain 20 different questions. However, I have provided the quotes that answer the questions you requested based on the available information.