"Science policy is concerned with the allocation of resources for the conduct of science towards the goal of best serving the public interest."
An understanding of the processes and factors that influence the development and implementation of policies related to science and technology.
Policy making and the public sector: This topic discusses the role of government in making and implementing policies related to science and technology.
Public policy analysis: This topic provides an understanding of the tools and techniques used to analyze public policies related to science and technology.
Innovation and entrepreneurship: This topic discusses the relationship between innovation, entrepreneurship, and economic growth and development.
Science and technology policy, regulation, and governance: This topic explores the role of government in regulating and governing science and technology policies.
International Science and Technology policy: This topic provides an understanding of the different international organizations, regulatory frameworks and policies related to science and technology.
Technology transfer: This topic discusses strategies for transferring technology from the laboratory to the marketplace.
Research and development policy: This topic provides an overview of the policies and frameworks that support research and development in science and technology.
Public-private partnerships (PPP): This topic provides an understanding of the relationship between the public and private sector in science and technology development.
Intellectual property rights: This topic explores issues related to intellectual property rights in science and technology.
Government funding for science and technology: This topic examines the role of government funding in science and technology research and development.
Ethical issues in science and technology: This topic provides an overview of the ethical issues that arise in science and technology policy and decision-making.
Environmental policy: This topic discusses the impact of science and technology on the environment and the policies and frameworks that seek to address these issues.
Energy policy: This topic provides an understanding of the impact of science and technology research on energy policy and the development of alternative energy sources.
Health policy: This topic examines policies related to public health issues, including vaccine development, drug pricing, and screening programs.
Regulatory policy: This topic explores the role of regulation and regulatory policy in science and technology sectors, including product certification, labeling, and safety standards.
Agenda Setting: The process of determining what issues should receive attention from policymakers, and what issues should not. It involves identifying problems and determining what policies might solve them.
Policy Formulation: The process of creating a specific policy proposal or plan, which is then submitted for approval or further discussion. This phase involves understanding the issue at hand, researching alternatives, and identifying options.
Policy Adoption: The stage where policy is officially endorsed by a government body, usually after some form of debate and compromise. Once adopted, policies become law and are officially implemented.
Implementation: Enacting the policy through specific actions that promote its goals. This stage involves creating regulations, allocating resources, and developing an administrative structure to oversee the policy.
Evaluation: The process of assessing the effectiveness of policy implementation, analyzing its outcome and determining its impact. This stage considers whether policies have achieved their intended goals and whether they may need to be revised or eliminated.
Monitoring and Feedback: Examining new information to determine if an adjustment in policies is required to improve their effectiveness. The final stage is significant feedback that is analyzed and then communicated to others engaged in the policy process.
Advocacy: A process used to persuade decision-makers or other stakeholders to support or oppose a particular policy by informing and making them aware of the potential implications of a policy option.
Regulation: Applying and enforcing laws and regulations to prevent harmful practices and promote beneficial ones. This stage invokes the use of compliance, enforcement, and licensing mechanisms to achieve policy objectives.
Collaboration: As the policy process continues, it may require collaboration with those who have special interests and knowledge, such as scholars or experts, to broaden public access to policy knowledge.
Strategic Planning: Developing long-term plans for achieving scientific and technological development goals to achieve scientific and technological advancements. Strategic planning includes identifying successful approaches and allocating resources for implementing those approaches.
"Topics include the funding of science, the careers of scientists, and the translation of scientific discoveries into technological innovation to promote commercial product development, competitiveness, economic growth and economic development."
"Science policy focuses on knowledge production and the role of knowledge networks, collaborations, and the complex distributions of expertise, equipment, and know-how."
"Understanding the processes and organizational context of generating novel and innovative science and engineering ideas is a core concern of science policy."
"Science policy topics include weapons development, health care, and environmental monitoring."
"A large and complex web of factors influences the development of science and engineering..."
"Government science policymakers, private firms (including both national and multi-national firms), social movements, media, non-governmental organizations, universities, and other research institutions" are key actors.
"Science policy is increasingly international as defined by the global operations of firms and research institutions as well as by the collaborative networks of non-governmental organizations and of the nature of scientific inquiry itself."
"Science policy is concerned with the allocation of resources for the conduct of science towards the goal of...economic growth and economic development."
"The translation of scientific discoveries into technological innovation to promote commercial product development...is a focus of science policy."
"Science policy focuses on knowledge production and the role of knowledge networks, collaborations, and the complex distributions of expertise, equipment, and know-how."
"Understanding the processes and organizational context of generating novel and innovative science and engineering ideas is a core concern of science policy."
"Science policy topics include health care..."
"Science policy topics include environmental monitoring."
"Topics include the careers of scientists..."
"...to promote commercial product development..."
"Science policy is concerned with the allocation of resources for the conduct of science towards the goal of best serving the public interest."
"The translation of scientific discoveries into technological innovation to promote...competitiveness...is a focus of science policy."
"Science policy is increasingly international as defined by the global operations of firms and research institutions..."
"Government science policymakers, private firms, social movements, media, non-governmental organizations, universities, and other research institutions" are involved in science policy.