
Home > Public Policy > Education Policy > Standards

This topic deals with the establishment of standardized benchmarks for student performance and teacher effectiveness.

What are standards in education policy?: This topic covers an introduction to education policy standards, including their definition and purpose.
Types of education policy standards: This topic describes the different types of education policy standards, such as content standards, performance standards, and proficiency standards.
Development of education policy standards: This topic discusses how education policy standards are developed, including the process of developing standards, stakeholders involved, and parameters.
Implementation of education policy standards: This topic covers how education policy standards are implemented, including the process of implementing the standards, stakeholders involved and the impact of implementation.
The role of education policy standards in improving student learning: This topic explains how education policy standards improve student learning, including how these standards ensure students are on track with knowledge and skills, thus making them more effective learners.
The relationship between education policy standards and curriculum: This topic discusses the link between education policy standards and curriculum, including the impact of standards on curriculum, the alignment of curriculum and the standards in education policy.
The relationship between education policy standards and assessment: This topic describes the link between education policy standards and assessment, including the assessment of knowledge and skills, the role of assessment in education policy, and the appropriateness of assessment.
The impact of education policy standards on teaching, learning and assessment: This topic covers the impact of education policy standards on teaching, learning, and assessment, including the effectiveness of the standards in enhancing knowledge transfer, and understanding the student’s progress.
National and international education policy standards and their implications: This topic discusses national and international education policy standards and their implications, including the impact of national standards on international education, how different countries have different standards, identifying the common international standards and the influence of standards into policy.
Politics and education policy standards: This topic covers how politics influence education policy standards, including the importance of political support in getting standard to be implemented, the impact on political agenda on what sort of standards are upheld and how the standards chose impacts on the equitable access of education policy.
Curriculum Standards: These specify what students should know and be able to do at various grade levels in specific academic subjects.
Performance Standards: These define the level of accomplishment required for students to meet specific goals. Performance standards can be set at various levels, including basic proficiency, advanced proficiency, college and career readiness, and mastery.
Content Standards: These define the specific content knowledge and skills required for students to succeed in a particular academic subject.
Assessment Standards: These define the criteria that must be met for an assessment to be considered valid, reliable, and fair.
Teacher Standards: These define the knowledge, skills, and dispositions required for effective teaching in a particular subject area or grade level.
Technology Standards: These define the skills and knowledge required for students to use technology effectively in their learning and in their lives.
Cultural Standards: These define the attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors that promote positive intercultural interactions and support diversity and inclusion.
Ethical Standards: These define the values and principles that guide ethical conduct in education and research.
Equity Standards: These define the principles and practices that promote equity in education, including the provision of resources and support to help all students achieve their full potential.
Professional Standards: These define the expectations and standards for professional behavior, including ethical conduct, continuing education, and professional development.
"Learning standards (also called academic standards, content standards and curricula) are elements of declarative, procedural, schematic, and strategic knowledge that, as a body, define the specific content of an educational program."
"Standards are usually composed of statements that express what a student knows, can do, or is capable of performing at a certain point in their learning progression."
"Learning standards are elements of declarative, procedural, schematic, and strategic knowledge."
"A learning progression is often designated by 'grade', 'class level', or its equivalent."
"Learning standards are also called academic standards, content standards, and curricula."
"They can be links to content."
"They can be part of a learning pathway."
"Learning standards define the specific content of an educational program."
"Standards are composed of statements that express what a student knows."
"Standards express what a student can do."
"Standards express what a student is capable of performing."
"Learning standards are elements that define the specific content of an educational program."
"Learning standards are often classified by 'grade', 'class level', or its equivalent."
"Learning standards have multiple uses in a modern education ecosystem."
"Content standards are elements of declarative, procedural, schematic, and strategic knowledge."
"Learning standards are also called curricula."
"Learning standards represent specific content of an educational program."
"Learning standards can be part of a learning pathway."
"Learning standards encompass declarative, procedural, schematic, and strategic knowledge."
"They can be links to content and they can be part of a learning pathway or progression."