Juvenile Justice

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The system of justice designed for youthful offenders, including juvenile detention centers and rehabilitation programs.

Definition and history of juvenile justice: This topic provides an overview of the development of juvenile justice policy and how it has evolved over time. It covers the different approaches that have been taken to address juvenile crime and delinquency, including rehabilitation and punishment.
Juvenile delinquency: This topic focuses on the causes of juvenile delinquency and the risk factors associated with it. It covers the various social, economic, and environmental factors that contribute to delinquent behavior and provides an overview of the different approaches that have been taken to prevent and address juvenile delinquency.
Juvenile justice system: This topic provides an overview of the juvenile justice system, including the different agencies and institutions involved in the process. It covers the various stages of the process, from arrest to adjudication to rehabilitation, and the key players involved at each stage.
Juvenile courts: This topic focuses on the role of juvenile courts in the juvenile justice system. It covers the history of the juvenile court system, the types of cases heard in juvenile court, and the different procedures used in juvenile court.
Juvenile detention: This topic provides an overview of the different types of juvenile detention facilities and the conditions within these facilities. It covers the goals of juvenile detention and the different approaches that have been taken to improve conditions within these facilities.
Juvenile rehabilitation: This topic covers the different approaches that have been taken to rehabilitate juvenile offenders. It discusses the various programs and interventions that have been used to help juvenile offenders reintegrate into society and become productive members of their communities.
Juvenile justice policy: This topic covers the different policies that have been developed to address juvenile delinquency and the goals of these policies. It includes an overview of the different theories and approaches to juvenile justice policy and the key debates and controversies surrounding these policies.
Juvenile justice research: This topic provides an overview of the different research methods used to study juvenile justice and the key findings from this research. It covers the different types of research questions that have been addressed in the field and the challenges and limitations of conducting research in this area.
Juvenile justice reform: This topic discusses the different efforts that have been made to reform the juvenile justice system and improve outcomes for juvenile offenders. It covers the different approaches to reform, the goals of these efforts, and the successes and challenges associated with implementing reform measures.
Juvenile justice and race: This topic focuses on the disproportionate impact of the juvenile justice system on youth of color. It covers the factors that contribute to racial disparities in the juvenile justice system and the efforts that have been made to address these disparities.
Traditional Juvenile Justice: This approach views juveniles as being in a unique stage of development that requires specialized handling if they engage in criminal activities. It focuses on rehabilitating young offenders as opposed to punishment.
Restorative Justice: This approach focuses on repairing the harm caused by the offenders to the victim and the community. It involves bringing the victim and the offender together to determine an appropriate way to restore the harm caused.
Community-Based Intervention: This type involves intervention programs that are initiated within the community, which aim to prevent juvenile recidivism. These programs could include mentoring, after-school programs, and community service.
Diversion Programs: This type of Juvenile Justice policy aims to divert young offenders from the traditional court system and instead employ alternative forms of discipline. The diversion programs could include counseling or mediation between the offender and the victim.
Youth Court: This type of Juvenile Justice policy involves a court system that is staffed by young people who volunteer to serve as judges, attorneys, and jurors in hearing and determining cases involving their peers.
Adult Criminal Offender System: Some jurisdictions handle juveniles who commit serious offenses as adults and place them in the adult criminal offender system.
Progressive or Alternatives: Some jurisdictions have proposed progressive reforms that include an emphasis on mental health needs and reducing harsh punishments, addressing systemic racial disparities experienced by young offenders, using evidence-based practices to manage mental health needs, and providing education to offenders.
"The purpose of a juvenile court is to pass judgments for crimes that are committed by children who have not attained the age of majority."
"Children who commit a crime are treated differently from legal adults that have committed the same offense."
"Industrialized countries differ in whether juveniles should be charged as adults for serious crimes or considered separately."
"Since the 1970s, minors have been tried increasingly as adults in response to 'increases in violent juvenile crime'."
"Young offenders may still not be charged as adults."
"Serious offenses, such as murder or rape, can be prosecuted through adult court in England."
"As of 2007, no United States data reported any exact numbers of juvenile offenders prosecuted as adults."
"Countries such as Australia and Japan are in the early stages of developing and implementing youth-focused justice initiatives."
"The United Nations has encouraged nations to reform their systems to fit with a model where 'entire society [must] ensure the harmonious development of adolescence'."
"The hope was to create a more 'child-friendly justice'."
"The rules in practice are less clear cut. Changes in a broad context cause issues of implementation locally."
"International crimes committed by youth are causing additional questions regarding the benefit of separate proceedings for juveniles."
"As globalization has occurred in recent centuries, issues of justice, and more specifically protecting the rights of children as it relates to juvenile courts, have been called to question."
"Global policies regarding this issue have become more widely accepted."
"A general culture of treatment of children offenders has adapted to this trend."
"A juvenile court...is a tribunal having special authority..."
"Children who commit a crime are treated differently from legal adults..."
"Minors have been tried increasingly as adults in response to 'increases in violent juvenile crime'."
"Countries such as Australia and Japan are...implementing youth-focused justice initiatives."
"The aim is to create a model in which 'entire society [must] ensure the harmonious development of adolescence'."