"The process of assessing a system and potential changes to it as they relate to relevant and interested parties known as stakeholders."
Assesses the perspectives, interests, and power dynamics of individuals, groups, and institutions affected by a policy decision.
Stakeholder identification: Identifying and listing all the stakeholders that are relevant to the policy issue under consideration.
Stakeholder mapping: Visualisation of the interrelationships and relative influence/power of various stakeholders.
Stakeholder engagement: Engaging with stakeholders to obtain their perspectives and inputs on the policy issue.
Stakeholder analysis framework: A structured approach for systematically analysing stakeholders' interests, expectations, and influence on policy decisions.
Stakeholder dynamics: Understanding the interplay and dynamics between various stakeholders, their interests and power, and how they may affect policy outcomes.
Stakeholder communication: Developing and implementing strategies to effectively communicate with stakeholders, including how to manage conflicts and handle resistance.
Stakeholder participation: Ensuring that stakeholders have opportunities to participate in the policy process and that their views are considered in policy decisions.
Stakeholder-based approaches: Policy approaches that involve stakeholders as active participants in the design and implementation of policies.
Stakeholder policy evaluation: The process of evaluating the effectiveness of policy decisions through assessing stakeholders' reactions and the impact of policies on them.
Tools and methods for stakeholder analysis: Various tools and methods available for conducting stakeholder analysis, such as surveys, interviews, focus groups, and social network analysis.
Power-Interest Grid: It maps stakeholders based on their power and interest levels in the public policy in question, helping to identify key players that should be prioritized within the decision-making process.
Salience Model: This approach highlights the three key components that determine the importance of a stakeholder to a particular public policy: power, legitimacy, and urgency. It helps to prioritize stakeholders based on their level of salience.
Influence-impact Matrix: This type of analysis measures each stakeholder's influence and the likely impact of their actions. It helps to identify key stakeholders that should be engaged in the decision-making process.
Force Field Analysis: This approach considers both positive and negative aspects of stakeholders that could affect an issue. It helps identify key influencers and determine ways to provide constructive feedback to increase positive outcomes.
Multi-criteria Matrix: It uses a comprehensive set of criteria to evaluate the impact of the policy on the stakeholders. Each criterion evaluates the potential benefits and risks, and stakeholders are prioritized based on their overall score.
Social Network Analysis: This type of analysis considers the interrelationships among stakeholders and their connections to one another. By analyzing these relationships, it helps in identifying an individual's importance in the network.
Participatory Mapping: The approach includes mapping the distribution of stakeholders' views systematically. The process incorporates the needs of various groups into policy decisions.
Value Network Analysis: This analysis identifies the formal and informal ways stakeholders exchange value through the policymaking process. It is helpful in mapping out the elements of the policy-setting process and identifying the leverage points where stakeholders have the most influence.
Cultural Analysis: This approach identifies the cultural needs and perspectives of the stakeholders. It helps in foreseeing how different cultures might receive or resist changes to policy.
Gender Analysis: This approach considers the power dynamics between genders and how each gender is differently affected by the policy. It helps identify the gender-specific effects, positive and negative, of the policies.
"Conflict resolution, business administration, environmental health sciences decision making, industrial ecology, public administration, and project management."
"To assess how the interests of those stakeholders should be addressed in a project plan, policy, program, or other action."
"Stakeholder analysis is a key part of stakeholder management."
"This information is used to assess how the interests of those stakeholders should be addressed in a project plan, policy, program, or other action."
"A stakeholder analysis of an issue consists of weighing and balancing all of the competing demands on a firm by each of those who have a claim on it, in order to arrive at the firm's obligation in a particular case."
"A stakeholder analysis does not preclude the interests of the stakeholders overriding the interests of the other stakeholders affected."
"It ensures that all affected will be considered."
"Stakeholder analysis is frequently used during the preparation phase of a project."
"Stakeholder analysis can be done once or on a regular basis to track changes in stakeholder attitudes over time."
"The process of assessing a system and potential changes to it as they relate to relevant and interested parties known as stakeholders."
"Conflict resolution, business administration, environmental health sciences decision making, industrial ecology, public administration, and project management."
"How the interests of those stakeholders should be addressed in a project plan, policy, program, or other action."
"A key part of stakeholder management."
"Weighing and balancing all of the competing demands on a firm by each of those who have a claim on it, in order to arrive at the firm's obligation in a particular case."
"A stakeholder analysis does not preclude the interests of the stakeholders overriding the interests of the other stakeholders affected."
"It ensures that all affected will be considered."
"During the preparation phase of a project."
"Tracking changes in stakeholder attitudes over time."
"Once or on a regular basis to track changes in stakeholder attitudes over time."