Public Policy

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The study of the decision-making processes and implementation of policies by government bodies and other institutions.

Policy analysis: The process of evaluating policy options and their potential impacts.
Policy formulation: The process of developing policy proposals.
Policy implementation: The process of putting policy into action.
Agenda setting: The process of identifying and prioritizing issues to be addressed by government.
Stakeholder analysis: The process of identifying individuals, groups, and organizations affected by or involved in policy decisions.
Public budgeting: The process of allocating financial resources in the public sector.
Public finance: The study of how governments raise revenue and manage expenditures.
Institutional design: The structure and organization of government agencies and programs.
Program evaluation: The process of assessing the effectiveness of government programs.
Public-private partnerships: Collaborations between government and private sector organizations to achieve common goals.
Regulatory policy: Regulations and standards developed by government to enforce laws.
International relations and comparative policy: The study of how policy is developed and implemented around the world.
Ethics in public policy: The moral and ethical considerations involved in policy decisions.
Environmental policy: The development and implementation of policies related to natural resources and the environment.
Health policy: The development and implementation of policies related to healthcare and public health.
Education policy: The development and implementation of policies related to education.
Criminal justice policy: The development and implementation of policies related to law enforcement, prisons, and the judicial system.
Social welfare policy: The development and implementation of policies related to social programs such as healthcare, education, and housing.
Immigration policy: The development and implementation of policies related to immigration and citizenship.
Economic policy: The development and implementation of policies related to economic growth and stability.
Economic Policy: This type of public policy regulates economic activities within a country or region, including taxation, monetary policy, trade policy, industrial policy, and market regulation.
Health Policy: This type of public policy aims at improving the health of the population by providing healthcare services, controlling infectious diseases, managing drug and food safety, and promoting healthy lifestyles.
Environmental Policy: This type of public policy aims to protect the environment by addressing issues such as pollution, climate change, deforestation, and conservation of natural resources.
Education Policy: This type of public policy aims to provide quality education to all citizens by regulating curricula, funding educational institutions, and implementing measures to improve educational outcomes.
Infrastructure Policy: This type of public policy aims to develop and maintain physical infrastructure like roads, railways, ports, airports, and public utilities.
Social Policy: This type of public policy aims to address social issues like poverty, unemployment, homelessness, inequality, and discrimination by providing a social safety net, promoting social protection, and fostering social cohesion.
Foreign Policy: This type of public policy deals with a country's relations with other countries and its role in international affairs.
Defense Policy: This type of public policy addresses a country's military and defense-related issues, including national security, procurement of weapons, and defense spending.
Science and Technology Policy: This type of public policy aims to promote scientific research, innovation, and technology development, thereby contributing to economic growth and social progress.
Criminal Justice Policy: This type of public policy focuses on preventing crime, ensuring public safety, and rendering justice to victims of crimes, including law enforcement, prosecution, and corrections.
- "Public policy is an institutionalized proposal or a decided set of elements like laws, regulations, guidelines, and actions to solve or address relevant and real-world problems, guided by a conception and often implemented by programs."
- "They are created and/or enacted on behalf of the public typically by a government."
- "Sometimes they are made by nonprofit organizations or are made in co-production with communities or citizens."
- "They can include potential experts, scientists, engineers, and stakeholders or scientific data, or sometimes use some of their results."
- "There are many actors: elected politicians, political party leaders, pressure groups, civil servants, publicly employed professionals, judges, non-governmental organizations, international agencies, academic experts, journalists, and even sometimes citizens."
- "A popular way of understanding and engaging in public policy is through a series of stages known as 'the policy cycle.'"
- "A basic sequence is agenda setting, policy formulation, legitimation, implementation, and evaluation."
- "Officials considered as policymakers bear responsibility to reflect the interests of a host of different stakeholders."
- "Policy design entails a conscious and deliberate effort to define policy aims and map them instrumentally."
- "Academics and other experts in policy studies have developed a range of tools and approaches to help in this task."
- "The implementation of public policy is known as public administration."
- "Public policy can be considered to be the sum of a government's direct and indirect activities and has been conceptualized in a variety of ways."
- "They are typically made by policymakers affiliated with currently elected politicians."
- "They are made in co-production with communities or citizens, which can include potential experts, scientists, engineers, and stakeholders."
- "Even sometimes citizens who see themselves as the passive recipients of policy."
- "Policy design entails a conscious and deliberate effort to define policy aims and map them instrumentally."
- "It divides the policy process into a series of stages, from a notional starting point at which policymakers begin to think about a policy problem to a notional end point at which a policy has been implemented and policymakers think about how successful it has been before deciding what to do next."
- "They are guided by a conception and often implemented by programs."
- "Academic experts have developed a range of tools and approaches to help in this task."
- "Policymakers think about how successful it has been before deciding what to do next."