
Home > Public Administration > Nonprofit Management in Public Administration > Fundraising

Methods nonprofit organizations use to generate funds, including grant writing, individual and corporate donations, and special events.

Introduction to Fundraising: This topic covers basic concepts and principles of fundraising, including what fundraising involves, why nonprofits need to fundraise, and the different types of fundraising and donors.
Fundraising Planning: This topic covers how to develop a fundraising plan, including setting goals, identifying fundraising strategies, and creating a timeline and budget.
Grant Writing: This topic covers how to write effective grant proposals, including how to research grant opportunities, create a proposal narrative, and prepare a budget and supporting documents.
Donor Relations: This topic covers how to cultivate and maintain relationships with donors, including how to communicate with donors, recognize their contributions, and ensure donor privacy and confidentiality.
Fundraising Ethics: This topic covers ethical considerations in fundraising, including how to avoid conflicts of interest, use donor funds responsibly, and maintain transparency and accountability.
Fundraising Laws and Regulations: This topic covers laws and regulations related to fundraising, including tax laws, charitable registration requirements, and donor solicitation laws.
Fundraising Data and Analysis: This topic covers how to collect, analyze, and use fundraising data to improve fundraising performance and effectiveness.
Major Gifts Fundraising: This topic covers how to solicit major gifts from individual donors, including identification, cultivation, and solicitation strategies.
Planned Giving: This topic covers how to promote and secure planned gifts, including bequests, life insurance, charitable trusts, and annuities.
Corporate and Foundation Fundraising: This topic covers how to solicit funding from corporations and foundations, including how to research prospects, approach potential donors, and prepare grant proposals.
Online Fundraising: This topic covers how to leverage the power of social media and crowdfunding to raise funds online.
Event Fundraising: This topic covers how to plan and execute fundraising events, including how to identify event goals, plan logistics, and recruit and manage volunteers.
Volunteer Management: This topic covers how to recruit, train, and manage volunteers to support fundraising activities.
Board Development and Fundraising: This topic covers how to engage board members in fundraising activities, including how to set expectations, provide training and support, and recognize board member contributions.
Fundraising for Capital Campaigns: This topic covers how to plan and execute capital campaigns, including how to set campaign goals, plan and execute a feasibility study, and develop a case for support.
Individual Giving: This is the most common and traditional fundraising method for nonprofits, where individuals donate money to support the organization's cause.
Corporative Giving: This fundraising method involves partnering with corporations that are interested in supporting the organization's cause. It can be in the form of financial contribution, in-kind donations or sponsorship.
Grant Writing: Grant writing is a process of applying for grants from governmental or private foundations to support the organization's programs and initiatives.
Major Gifts: Major gifts refer to a large financial contribution given by an individual or organization to support specific projects or programs.
Special Events: Special events can be used as a fundraising tool to raise money and awareness for the organization. Examples include charity auction, fundraising dinners, and charity runs.
Online Fundraising: This fundraising method involves using online platforms and social media to appeal to donors for financial support.
Direct Mail Fundraising: Direct mail fundraising involves sending fundraising letters and materials to potential donors. It can be an effective way to reach out to a large audience.
Crowdfunding: Crowdfunding is an increasingly popular way of fundraising where individuals can donate money to support a cause or project online.
Planned Giving: Planned giving involves soliciting donations from people's estates or wills.
Capital Campaigns: Capital campaigns are specific fundraising initiatives aimed at raising a substantial amount of money over a set period to fund capital projects, new programs, or operating costs of the organization.
"Fundraising or fund-raising is the process of seeking and gathering voluntary financial contributions by engaging individuals, businesses, charitable foundations, or governmental agencies."
"Although fundraising typically refers to efforts to gather money for non-profit organizations..."
" is sometimes used to refer to the identification and solicitation of investors or other sources of capital for for-profit enterprises."
"Traditionally, fundraising has consisted mostly of asking for donations through face-to-face fundraising, such as door-knocking."
"In recent years, though, new forms such as online fundraising or reformed version of grassroots fundraising have emerged."
"The process of seeking and gathering voluntary financial contributions..."
"Engaging individuals, businesses, charitable foundations, or governmental agencies."
"...charitable foundations... [contribute] voluntary financial contributions."
"Governmental agencies... [can] contribute voluntary financial contributions."
"...the identification and solicitation of investors or other sources of capital for for-profit enterprises."
"...asking for donations through face-to-face fundraising, such as door-knocking."
"...gather money for non-profit organizations..."
"...gather money for non-profit organizations..."
"New forms such as online fundraising... have emerged."
"...reformed version of grassroots fundraising."
"Seeking and gathering voluntary financial contributions..."
"Engaging individuals... in fundraising."
"Engaging... businesses... in fundraising."
"...asking for donations through face-to-face fundraising, such as door-knocking."
"Fundraising... gather[ing] money for non-profit organizations"