"Social psychology is the scientific study of how thoughts, feelings, and behaviors are influenced by the real or imagined presence of other people or by social norms."
Examines how people interact with one another, including topics like social influence, attitudes, and group behavior.
Social cognition: The study of how people think and reason about themselves and others in social situations.
Social influence: The study of how people are affected by others' opinions, behaviors, and attitudes.
Social perception: The study of how people form impressions of others based on initial information.
Attitudes and attitude change: The study of how people develop and maintain attitudes and how attitudes can be changed.
Group dynamics: The study of how people interact with others in small and large groups.
Social norms: The study of how people conform to social expectations and norms.
Prejudice and discrimination: The study of how people develop negative attitudes and behaviors towards others based on group membership.
Intergroup relations: The study of how people from different groups interact and perceive each other.
Interpersonal attraction: The study of how people form and maintain social relationships.
Altruism and aggression: The study of how people behave towards others in terms of helping or harming them.
Attribution theory: The study of how people explain and interpret causes of behavior.
Stereotyping: The study of how people form judgments based on group membership.
Social identity: The study of how people define themselves in terms of group membership.
Socialization: The study of how people learn and internalize social norms and values.
Social support: The study of how people provide emotional and material support to others.
Culture and social behavior: The study of how cultural factors influence social behavior.
Cognitive dissonance: The study of how people resolve conflicts between their beliefs and behaviors.
Social comparison: The study of how people evaluate themselves in relation to others.
Self-esteem: The study of how people perceive and evaluate their own worth.
Conformity: The study of how people adjust their behavior to match group norms.
Social cognition: This area of research focuses on how people perceive, process, and interpret social information, including impressions of others, attitudes, and judgments.
Attitudes and persuasion: This area of research examines how attitudes are formed, changed, and how they influence behavior. It also explores how persuasion works, and what factors affect its effectiveness.
Interpersonal relationships: This area of research focuses on how people relate to others, including attraction, love, friendship, and conflict.
Group dynamics: This area of research examines how groups work, including how they form, how they are structured, and how they influence behavior.
Social influence: This area of research looks at how people are influenced by others or how individuals influence the behavior of others.
Intergroup relations: This area of research explores the dynamics between different groups, including prejudice, discrimination, stereotyping, and intergroup conflict.
Social identity: This area of research focuses on how one's sense of identity is shaped by membership in social groups, how groups can influence attitudes, behavior, and self-concept.
Existential and social realities: This area of research examines how people make sense of their lives, including how they form their beliefs, values, and sense of purpose.
Social behavior in organizations: This area of research focuses on how people behave in organizational settings, including work and formal institutions.
Cross-cultural studies: This area of research explores how culture impacts social behavior, including norms, values, and beliefs across different countries and cultures.
"Social psychologists typically explain human behavior as a result of the relationship between mental states and social situations."
"Social psychologists study the social conditions under which thoughts, feelings, and behaviors occur, and how these variables influence social interactions."
"Thoughts, feelings, and behaviors are influenced by the real or imagined presence of other people or by social norms."
"The focus of social psychology is on understanding how social situations and variables impact human thoughts, feelings, and behaviors."
"Human behavior is influenced by the relationship between mental states and social situations."
"Social psychologists explain behavior by studying the relationship between mental states and social situations."
"The primary subject matter of social psychology is the influence of social norms and the presence of others on thoughts, feelings, and behaviors."
"The purpose of studying social psychology is to understand how social situations shape human thoughts, feelings, and behaviors."
"Social psychologists consider the social conditions under which thoughts, feelings, and behaviors occur when studying human behavior."
"The presence of other people can influence thoughts, feelings, and behaviors in social psychology."
"Social norms can influence thoughts, feelings, and behaviors in social psychology."
"The imagined presence of others refers to the influence of perceived social norms on thoughts, feelings, and behaviors."
"Social interactions are influenced by the variables of thoughts, feelings, and behaviors studied by social psychologists."
"Social psychologists focus on the variables of thoughts, feelings, and behaviors that influence social interactions."
"Mental states and social situations are analyzed in social psychology to understand how they interact and shape thoughts, feelings, and behaviors."
"Studying social conditions allows social psychologists to understand the influence of these conditions on thoughts, feelings, and behaviors."
"Social psychologists define human behavior as a complex interplay between mental states and social situations."
"Social psychologists emphasize the influence of mental states and social situations when explaining human behavior."
"Social psychologists approach the study of behavior by examining the relationship between thoughts, feelings, and behaviors in social contexts."