"Equality generally refers to the fact of being equal, of having the same value."
The concept of equality, what types of equality are relevant (e.g. economic, social, political), and how these can be achieved.
Equality: An introduction to the concept of equality and its various forms including political, social, economic, and moral equality.
Theories of Equality: An overview of the different philosophical theories of equality including egalitarianism, libertarianism, utilitarianism, and communitarianism.
Equal Opportunity: The idea that all individuals should have equal access to opportunities and resources regardless of their race, gender, or socioeconomic status.
Social Justice: The pursuit of a fair and equitable society through the implementation of policies that reduce inequality and discrimination.
Distributive Justice: The fair allocation of resources and benefits in society, including wealth, income, and opportunities.
Affirmative Action: The practice of implementing policies that promote diversity and improve opportunities for disadvantaged groups.
Intersectionality: The concept that social identities (such as race, gender, and sexual orientation) interact in complex ways, leading to unique experiences of discrimination and disadvantage.
Discrimination: The unfair treatment of individuals based on their race, gender, or other characteristics.
Privilege: The advantages and benefits afforded to individuals based on their societal status or social identity.
Political Participation: The idea that all individuals should have equal access to participate in the political process, and that all voices should have equal influence in the decision-making process.
Moral Equality: This refers to the moral worth and dignity of every individual irrespective of their social status, race or gender.
Legal Equality: This refers to equal treatment under the law irrespective of one's gender, socio-economic background, religion or race.
Economic Equality: This refers to the state of affairs where an equal distribution of resources is ensured so that people can have access to basic needs such as food, shelter, clothing and education.
Social Equality: This refers to a condition where every individual has the same opportunity to grow and develop, and where society provides equal opportunities for education, employment, and social status.
Political Equality: This refers to the right to participate in the political process and to have an equal say in legislative, executive and judicial decision-making processes.
Equality of Outcome: This refers to the goal of achieving equal outcomes for all individuals irrespective of their social status, race or gender.
Equality of Opportunity: This refers to the principle of providing every individual with the same chance to succeed in life, without any barriers or discrimination.
Generational Equality: This refers to the idea that each generation should have an equal opportunity to enjoy the resources and benefits of society.
Interpersonal Equality: This refers to the idea that individuals should be treated equally with respect to their interpersonal relationships, irrespective of their social status, gender, race or religion.
Environmental Equality: This refers to the idea that all individuals have a right to live in a clean and healthy environment, irrespective of their socio-economic background or race.
"In specific contexts, equality may refer to:"
"Equality generally refers to the fact of being equal, of having the same value."
"Equality generally refers to the fact of being equal, of having the same value."
"In specific contexts, equality may refer to:"
"In specific contexts, equality may refer to:"
"In specific contexts, equality may refer to:"
"Equality generally refers to the fact of being equal, of having the same value."
"Equality generally refers to the fact of being equal, of having the same value."
"Equality generally refers to the fact of being equal, of having the same value."
"Equality generally refers to the fact of being equal, of having the same value."
"In specific contexts, equality may refer to:"
"In specific contexts, equality may refer to:"
"In specific contexts, equality may refer to:"
"In specific contexts, equality may refer to:"
"In specific contexts, equality may refer to:"
"In specific contexts, equality may refer to:"
"In specific contexts, equality may refer to:"
"In specific contexts, equality may refer to:"
"In specific contexts, equality may refer to:"