Social Ontology

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This ontology focuses on the social entities, relationships, and norms that exist in a particular community or society.

"Social ontology is a domain-specific branch of ontology, the philosophical study of being and existence, which studies the nature and properties of the social world."
"Social ontology deals with examining the various entities in the world arising from social interaction."
"Notable contemporary philosophers who study social ontology include John Searle, Margaret Gilbert, Amie Thomasson, Tony Lawson, and Ruth Millikan."
"Social ontology is a domain-specific branch of ontology, the philosophical study of being and existence."
"Ontology, the philosophical study of being and existence."
"Social ontology focuses on the nature and properties of the social world."
"Examining the various entities in the world arising from social interaction."
"To study the nature and properties of the social world."
"John Searle"
"Margaret Gilbert"
"Amie Thomasson"
"Tony Lawson"
"Ruth Millikan"
"The various entities in the world arising from social interaction."
"A branch of ontology specific to a particular domain"
"Ontology, the philosophical study of being and existence."
"The nature and properties of the social world."
"The nature and properties of the social world arising from social interaction."
"Social ontology is a domain-specific branch, focusing on the study of the social world, while general ontology encompasses a broader study of being and existence."
"Social ontology enriches philosophical discourse by examining the social world and its entities within the context of being and existence."