"The process of assessing a system and potential changes to it as they relate to relevant and interested parties known as stakeholders."
The process of identifying and analyzing the interests, needs, and expectations of stakeholders, and incorporating those insights into decision making processes.
Stakeholder Identification: The process of identifying individuals, groups or organizations that have a vested interest in an organization or project.
Stakeholder Mapping: The process of visually representing the relationships between stakeholders and the organization.
Stakeholder Analysis: The process of assessing stakeholders’ influence, importance, and potential impact on the organization or project.
Salience Model: A framework for identifying and categorizing stakeholders based on their power, legitimacy, and urgency.
Stakeholder Engagement: The process of involving stakeholders in decision-making, communication and developing strategies.
Stakeholder Communication: Strategies for communicating with stakeholders effectively, including the use of clear and concise language, empathy and active listening.
Stakeholder Management: The practice of managing stakeholder relationships to achieve positive outcomes for all parties.
Stakeholder Prioritization: The process of prioritizing stakeholders based on their level of influence or importance to the success of the project or organization.
Stakeholder Responsibility Matrix: A tool for clarifying the roles and responsibilities of various stakeholders within an organization or project.
Stakeholder Feedback: The systematic and ongoing process of soliciting feedback from stakeholders to improve decision making and ensure stakeholder satisfaction.
Power-Interest Grid: This type of analysis maps stakeholders based on their level of power and interest in a particular decision. It is useful for identifying which stakeholders need to be engaged and in what way.
Stakeholder Mapping: This analysis involves identifying stakeholders, their interests, expectations, level of influence, and involvement in decision-making. The information is visualized in the form of a map for easy identification and prioritization.
Stakeholder Influence Diagram: This type of analysis identifies the relationships between different stakeholders and their potential influence on the decision-making process. The diagram helps identify key stakeholders and their relationships.
Multi-Criteria Mapping: This analysis involves identifying and ranking stakeholders based on criteria such as power, interest, importance, legitimacy, urgency, and potential impact on the decision.
PERT Analysis: This analysis is a project management tool that determines the critical path in decision-making. It helps identify key stakeholders, their roles, and participation in the critical path.
Environmental Impact Assessment: This assessment is used to identify stakeholders who could be affected by the project, identify their concerns, and propose mitigation measures to address their concerns.
Social Impact Assessment: This analysis identifies the social impacts of the decision on stakeholders, including cultural, economic, political, and environmental impacts.
Stakeholder-Government Relations: This analysis focuses on how the decision affects the government and its relationship with stakeholders. It identifies stakeholders that have a government mandate or regulatory influence over the project.
Network Analysis: This analysis identifies the relationships between stakeholders and the nature of their interaction. It helps identify stakeholders who could be influential in decision-making.
Stakeholder Consultation: This analysis seeks input from stakeholders to identify their concerns, needs, and expectations regarding the decision. It seeks to engage stakeholders in the decision-making process.
"Conflict resolution, business administration, environmental health sciences decision making, industrial ecology, public administration, and project management."
"To assess how the interests of those stakeholders should be addressed in a project plan, policy, program, or other action."
"Stakeholder analysis is a key part of stakeholder management."
"This information is used to assess how the interests of those stakeholders should be addressed in a project plan, policy, program, or other action."
"A stakeholder analysis of an issue consists of weighing and balancing all of the competing demands on a firm by each of those who have a claim on it, in order to arrive at the firm's obligation in a particular case."
"A stakeholder analysis does not preclude the interests of the stakeholders overriding the interests of the other stakeholders affected."
"It ensures that all affected will be considered."
"Stakeholder analysis is frequently used during the preparation phase of a project."
"Stakeholder analysis can be done once or on a regular basis to track changes in stakeholder attitudes over time."
"The process of assessing a system and potential changes to it as they relate to relevant and interested parties known as stakeholders."
"Conflict resolution, business administration, environmental health sciences decision making, industrial ecology, public administration, and project management."
"How the interests of those stakeholders should be addressed in a project plan, policy, program, or other action."
"A key part of stakeholder management."
"Weighing and balancing all of the competing demands on a firm by each of those who have a claim on it, in order to arrive at the firm's obligation in a particular case."
"A stakeholder analysis does not preclude the interests of the stakeholders overriding the interests of the other stakeholders affected."
"It ensures that all affected will be considered."
"During the preparation phase of a project."
"Tracking changes in stakeholder attitudes over time."
"Once or on a regular basis to track changes in stakeholder attitudes over time."