"The term management science is occasionally used as a synonym."
The application of mathematical and quantitative analysis techniques to solve complex problems and improve decision-making in the management of large systems and organizations.
"...deals with the development and application of analytical methods to improve decision-making."
"Employing techniques from other mathematical sciences, such as modeling, statistics, and optimization."
"...arrives at optimal or near-optimal solutions to decision-making problems."
"...operations research has overlapped with many other disciplines, notably industrial engineering."
"Operations research is often concerned with determining the extreme values of some real-world objective."
"...the maximum (of profit, performance, or yield) or minimum (of loss, risk, or cost)."
"Originating in military efforts before World War II..."
"...its techniques have grown to concern problems in a variety of industries."
"...often shortened to the initialism OR."
"Operations research (British English: operational research)."
"(U.S. Air Force Specialty Code: Operations Analysis)."
"...employing techniques from other mathematical sciences, such as modeling, statistics, and optimization."
"...analytical methods to improve decision-making."
"...operations research has overlapped with many other disciplines, notably industrial engineering."
"Arrives at optimal or near-optimal solutions to decision-making problems."
"Originating in military efforts before World War II..."
"...its techniques have grown to concern problems in a variety of industries."
"The term management science is occasionally used as a synonym."
"...the maximum (of profit, performance, or yield) or minimum (of loss, risk, or cost)." Quotes: