Artificial Intelligence

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The programming of non-player characters and automated systems in a game.

"A non-player character (NPC), or non-playable character, is any character in a game that is not controlled by a player."
"The term originated in traditional tabletop role-playing games."
"It applies to characters controlled by the gamemaster or referee rather than by another player."
"A non-player character (NPC), or non-playable character..."
"In video games, this usually means a character controlled by the computer (instead of a player)."
"...that has a predetermined set of behaviors..."
"...that potentially will impact gameplay, but will not necessarily be the product of true artificial intelligence."
"A non-player character (NPC), or non-playable character, is any character in a game that is not controlled by a player."
"In video games..."
"...that has a predetermined set of behaviors that potentially will impact gameplay..."
"...a character controlled by the computer..."
"...any character in a game that is not controlled by a player."
"...a character controlled by the computer that has a predetermined set of behaviors..."
"...but will not necessarily be the product of true artificial intelligence."
"...that has a predetermined set of behaviors..."
"A non-player character (NPC), or non-playable character, is any character in a game that is not controlled by a player."
"...that potentially will impact gameplay..."
"...that potentially will impact gameplay..."
"...that is not controlled by a player."
"A non-player character (NPC), or non-playable character, is any character in a game that is not controlled by a player." Quotes provided for each question.