"Derived from the Greek word strategos, the term strategy...deals with the planning and conduct of campaigns, the movement and disposition of forces, and the deception of the enemy."
The study of the principles and techniques of military planning and decision-making.
Geography: Understanding the geography of an area is important for military strategy, as it can inform decisions around positioning, transportation, and communication.
History of warfare: Studying the history of warfare can provide valuable insights into past military successes and failures, as well as inform modern military strategy.
Weaponry and technology: Keeping up-to-date with the latest military technology and knowing how to use it effectively can be crucial in military operations, and can inform decisions around weapon selection.
Tactics: Tactics refer to the specific actions and maneuvers taken by military forces in battle, and can be influenced by factors such as terrain, weather, and troop composition.
Leadership: Effective leadership is critical to military success, and involves key skills such as decision-making, communication, and delegation.
Intelligence gathering: Collecting and analyzing intelligence data can help military strategists make informed decisions about enemy movements, strengths, and weaknesses.
Logistics: Logistics refers to the management of resources and supplies, and can be a critical factor in the success of military operations.
Organizational structure: Understanding the internal structure and hierarchy of a military organization can inform decisions around delegation, communication, and chain of command.
International relations: International relations can play a significant role in military strategy, as it can inform decisions around alliances, diplomacy, and possible threats.
Psychology and morale: Understanding the psychological factors that can influence troops, such as morale, group dynamics, and motivation, can be vital in military operations.
"When first used during the 18th century, [strategy] was seen in its narrow sense as the 'art of the general' or 'the art of arrangement' of troops."
"The father of Western modern strategic studies, Carl von Clausewitz, defined military strategy as 'the employment of battles to gain the end of war.'"
"[B. H. Liddell Hart's] definition put less emphasis on battles, defining strategy as 'the art of distributing and applying military means to fulfill the ends of policy.'"
"Sun Tzu is often considered as the father of Eastern military strategy and greatly influenced Chinese, Japanese, Korean, and Vietnamese historical and modern war tactics."
"The Art of War by Sun Tzu grew in popularity and saw practical use in Western society as well. It continues to influence many competitive endeavors in Asia, Europe, and America including culture, politics, and business, as well as modern warfare."
"The Eastern military strategy differs from the Western by focusing more on asymmetric warfare and deception."
"Chanakya's Arthashastra has been an important strategic and political compendium in Indian and Asian history."
"Strategy refers to the employment of a nation's entire military capabilities through high-level and long-term planning, development, and procurement to guarantee security or victory."
"Operations and Tactics is the art of organizing forces on or near the battlefield to secure objectives as part of the broader military strategy."
"Derived from the Greek word strategos, the term strategy..."
"When first used during the 18th century..."
"...defined military strategy as 'the employment of battles to gain the end of war.'"
"[B. H. Liddell Hart's] definition put less emphasis on battles, defining strategy as 'the art of distributing and applying military means to fulfill the ends of policy.'"
"Sun Tzu...greatly influenced Chinese, Japanese, Korean, and Vietnamese historical and modern war tactics."
"It continues to influence many competitive endeavors in Asia, Europe, and America including culture, politics, and business, as well as modern warfare."
"The Eastern military strategy differs from the Western by focusing more on asymmetric warfare and deception."
"Chanakya's Arthashastra has been an important strategic and political compendium in Indian and Asian history."
"Strategy refers to the employment of a nation's entire military capabilities through high-level and long-term planning, development, and procurement to guarantee security or victory."
"Operations and Tactics is the art of organizing forces on or near the battlefield to secure objectives as part of the broader military strategy."