"The medical specialty that encompasses the two subspecialties of obstetrics and gynaecology..."
This branch of medicine deals with the reproductive health of women.
"...covering pregnancy, childbirth, and the postpartum period."
"...covering the health of the female reproductive system – vagina, uterus, ovaries, and breasts."
"Abbreviated as Obs and Gynae, O&G, OB-GYN and OB/GYN"
"The specialization is an important part of care for Women's health."
"Postgraduate training programs for both fields are usually combined..."
"...preparing the practicing obstetrician-gynecologist to be adept both at the care of female reproductive organs' health and at the management of pregnancy..."
"...although many doctors go on to develop subspecialty interests in one field or the other." Unfortunately, it is not possible to select quotes for the remaining unanswered questions as they require subjective interpretation.