Media psychology

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Examines the psychological effects of media on individuals and society.

Media effects: A study of how media influences people's behavior, attitude, and emotions.
Media content analysis: A study that involves a systematic analysis of the messages that the media distributes.
Media literacy: A study that examines a person's ability to understand and analyze media messages critically.
Uses and gratifications: A study that tries to identify the reasons why people use media.
Human-Computer Interaction: A study that focuses on the interaction between human beings and technology.
Persuasion: A study that examines how media campaigns can influence a person's behavior or attitude.
Social media: A study that examines the effects of social media on people's communication and behavior.
Virtual Reality: A study that examines the effects of virtual reality on people's behavior and emotions.
Attention: A study that examines how people allocate their attention while using media.
Cognitive psychology: A study that examines how people process and retain information.
Media and stereotypes: A study that examines how media can reinforce or challenge stereotypes.
Media and identity: A study that examines how media can influence a person's sense of identity.
Media and emotion: A study that examines how media can evoke emotions in people.
Media and aggression: A study that examines the relationship between media consumption and aggressive behavior.
Media and body image: A study that examines the relationship between media consumption and body image issues.
"Media psychology is the branch and specialty field in psychology that focuses on the interaction of human behavior with media and technology."
"Media psychology is not limited to mass media or media content; it includes all forms of mediated communication and media technology-related behaviors."
"...such as the use, design, impact, and sharing behaviors."
"This branch is a relatively new field of study because of advancement in technology."
"It uses various methods of critical analysis and investigation to develop a working model of a user's perception of media experience."
"These methods are used for society as a whole and on an individual basis."
"Media psychologists are able to perform activities that include consulting, design, and production in various media like television, video games, films, and news broadcasting."
"Media psychologists are not considered to be those who are featured in media (such as counselors-psychotherapists, clinicians, etc.), rather than those who research, work or contribute to the field."
"It focuses on the interaction of human behavior with media and technology."
"It includes all forms of mediated communication and media technology-related behaviors."
"...such as television, video games, films, and news broadcasting."
"These methods are used for society as a whole and on an individual basis."
"Media psychologists are able to perform activities that include consulting, design, and production in various media."
"Media psychology is not limited to mass media or media content."
"A relatively new field of study because of advancement in technology."
"It uses various methods of critical analysis and investigation to develop a working model of a user's perception of media experience."
"It includes all forms of mediated communication and media technology-related behaviors."
"Media psychologists are not considered to be those who are featured in media (such as counselors-psychotherapists, clinicians, etc.), rather than those who research, work or contribute to the field."
"Media technology-related behaviors, such as the use, design, impact, and sharing behaviors."
"Media psychologists are able to perform activities that include consulting, design, and production in various media like television, video games, films, and news broadcasting."