"Corpus linguistics is the study of a language as that language is expressed in its text corpus..."
The study of language use based on large collections of written or spoken texts.
Introduction to Corpus Linguistics: An overview of what Corpus Linguistics is, its history of development, and its applications in various fields.
Corpora and types of Corpora: Understanding the types of corpora, their characteristics, how they are compiled, the benefits and limitations of using different types of corpora.
Corpus Annotation: The use of tools that tag or mark up the texts in a corpus to identify specific features, such as parts of speech, syntactic functions, and semantic categories.
Corpus Linguistics Software and Tools: A review of tools and software for managing, analyzing, and annotating corpora, including corpus search engines, concordancers, and text analysis programs.
Corpus Design: The steps involved in designing a corpus, including defining the scope, selecting texts and sources, sampling, and ensuring data accuracy and representativeness.
Quantitative Analysis: Techniques for quantifying linguistic features in a corpus, including frequency analysis, collocation analysis, and keyness analysis.
Qualitative Analysis: Approaches to analyzing the meaning and function of language in context, such as discourse analysis, conversational analysis, and critical discourse analysis.
Lexical Analysis: Methods for identifying patterns and relationships between words and phrases, including lexical profiling, lexicon building, and semantic annotation.
Corpus-based Language Learning: How corpus linguistics approaches can be used to support language learning and teaching, including designing and using corpus-based activities and materials.
Corpus Linguistics and Translation: Applications of corpus linguistics in translation studies, such as using corpora to identify translation equivalents, evaluate translation quality, and support translator training.
"Corpus linguistics proposes that a reliable analysis of a language is more feasible with corpora collected in the field..."
"The text-corpus method uses the body of texts written in any natural language to derive the set of abstract rules..."
"...collected in the field—the natural context ('realia') of that language..."
"Those results can be used to explore the relationships between that subject language and other languages..."
"The first such corpora were manually derived from source texts..."
"...but now that work is automated."
"Corpora have not only been used for linguistics research, they have also been used to compile dictionaries..."
"...starting with The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language in 1969..."
"John McHardy Sinclair advocates minimal annotation so texts speak for themselves..."
"The Survey of English Usage team (University College, London) advocate annotation..."
"...as allowing greater linguistic understanding through rigorous recording."
"Corpus linguistics proposes that a reliable analysis of a language is more feasible with corpora..."
"The text-corpus method uses the body of texts written in any natural language to derive the set of abstract rules..."
"Those results can be used to explore the relationships between that subject language and other languages..."
"The first such corpora were manually derived from source texts..."
"...but now that work is automated."
"Corpora have not only been used for linguistics research, they have also been used to compile dictionaries..."
"...starting with The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language in 1969..."
"Experts in the field have differing views about the annotation of a corpus..."