"Library collection development is the process of systematically building the collection of a particular library to meet the information needs of the library users..."
Acquires and maintains a library's collection of resources, including books, journals, reference materials, and media.
Collection Development and Management: Covers the principles, practices, and methods used by librarians and museum professionals to acquire, organize, and maintain collections effectively.
Information Needs Assessment: Provides an overview of the process of identifying and analyzing the information needs of users and the community.
Resource Selection: Discusses the criteria used to select resources for inclusion in a collection, such as relevance, accuracy, popularity, and authority.
Budgeting and Funding: Covers the strategies for financial planning and management in collection development, including the use of grants, donations, and partnerships.
Collection Maintenance: Focuses on the strategies and techniques for preserving, repairing, and updating collections, including weeding and inventory management.
User Engagement and Outreach: Covers the strategies for promoting awareness of the collection and engaging users, such as through training, events, and community outreach.
Collection Analysis and Evaluation: Discusses the methods and tools used to evaluate the effectiveness of the collection in meeting the needs of users, including usage statistics and feedback.
Intellectual Freedom and Ethics: Covers the ethical principles and policies for collection development, including intellectual freedom, censorship, and copyright.
Information Literacy Instruction: Provides an overview of the teaching and learning strategies used to develop information literacy skills for users of collections.
Collection Development in Special Libraries and Museums: Discusses strategies for collection development and management in specialized contexts, such as law libraries, medical libraries, and art museums.
Selection: This is the process of choosing materials to add to a library or museum’s collection based on factors such as demand, quality, relevance, and budget.
Evaluation: This involves assessing the quality and suitability of existing materials in the collection and deciding whether to remove them, replace them with better alternatives, or keep them.
Acquisition: This involves purchasing or acquiring materials through donations, exchanges, or interlibrary loans.
Weeding: This involves removing items from the collection that are outdated, irrelevant, or damaged to make room for newer and more useful materials.
Preservation: This involves taking steps to protect and maintain the physical condition of materials in the collection to ensure their longevity.
Outreach: This involves promoting the use of the collection to potential users through various marketing and outreach strategies.
Reference: This involves providing assistance to users in finding and using materials in the collection through various reference services.
Interlibrary loan: This involves borrowing materials from other libraries or institutions to fulfill the needs of library and museum patrons.
Collection analysis: This involves analyzing the composition and usage of the collection to identify gaps and areas that require improvement.
Special collections: This involves developing and managing collections of rare or unique materials that require specialized handling and care.
"...to meet the information needs of the library users (a service population) in a timely and economical manner..."
"According to the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA)..."
"...methodological and topical themes pertaining to acquisition of print and other analogue library materials..." and "...the licensing and purchase of electronic information resources."
"Collection development involves activities that need a librarian or information professional who is specialized in improving the library's collection."
"The process includes the selection of information materials that respond to the users or patrons need..."
"...as well as de-selection of unwanted information materials, called weeding."
"It also involves the planning strategies for continuing acquisition..."
"...evaluation of new information materials and the existing collection..."
"...in order to determine how well a particular library serves its users."
"...using information resources locally held as well as resources from other organizations."
"...by purchase, exchange, gift, legal deposit..."
"A librarian or information professional who is specialized in improving the library's collection."
"...de-selection of unwanted information materials, called weeding."
"...to meet the information needs of the library users..."
"...the licensing and purchase of electronic information resources."
"...selection of information materials that respond to the users or patrons need..."
"...de-selection of unwanted information materials, called weeding."
"...planning strategies for continuing acquisition..."
"...determine how well a particular library serves its users."