The rules and regulations that govern library operations, including policies on circulation, collection development, and patron behavior.
Circulation policy: The rules governing the borrowing and returning of library materials, including loan periods, fines, and overdue notices.
Collection development policy: Guidelines for selecting, acquiring, and deselecting library materials.
Reference and information services policy: Policies for providing reference and information services to users, including reference interviews and online resources.
Interlibrary loan policy: Procedures for borrowing and lending materials between libraries.
Confidentiality and privacy policy: Policies protecting user privacy and confidentiality of library records.
Accessible services policy: Services for users with disabilities, including adaptive technology and assistance.
Technical services policy: Policies for processing and preparing materials for use, including cataloging and classifying.
Building maintenance and security policy: Policies for maintaining and securing the library building and equipment.
User behavior policy: Rules governing user behavior in the library, including noise and food policies.
Staff policies: Policies for hiring, training, and managing library staff.
Collection Development Policy: This policy outlines the collection development process that a library follows to build its collection of materials such as books, journals, databases, eBooks, and audiobooks.
Circulation Policy: The circulation policy determines how library books or items are checked out or loaned out to users. It specifies the loan periods, renewal options, overdue fines, and lost item fees.
Collection Maintenance Policy: This policy guides the library staff in maintaining the collection and the physical condition of the library materials, such as repairing damaged books, replacing worn-out items, and weeding out outdated materials.
Interlibrary Loan Policy: This policy explains how users can request books or items that the library does not have in its collection, how long it will take to get them, and any fees associated with the service.
Reference Services Policy: This policy outlines the reference services available for users, including the type of questions that the library staff can answer, the tools and resources they use, and access to expert research assistance.
Confidentiality Policy: This policy addresses the confidentiality and privacy of users' information, including their borrowing records, personal information, and research requests.
Internet Access and Computer Use Policy: This policy guides users on what is acceptable and prohibited when accessing the internet and computers onsite. It spells out the user responsibilities, acceptable use, and internet safety guidelines.
Meeting Room Policy: This policy outlines the procedures for reserving and using the library's meeting rooms, expectations for cleanliness and conduct, and rental fees for non-library groups.
Cardholder Policy: This policy outlines the cardholder requirements, procedures for issuing library cards, and the consequences of misuse, violation, or loss of the card.
Programming Policy: This policy outlines the library programming services offered to users, including the types, frequency, and target audience of events, as well as any participation or attendance requirements.