"Library collection development is the process of systematically building the collection of a particular library to meet the information needs of the library users (a service population) in a timely and economical manner using information resources locally held as well as resources from other organizations."
The process of selecting, acquiring, organizing, maintaining, and evaluating library resources to meet the information needs of the library's user community.
Collection development policy: A set of guidelines that outlines the principles for selecting, acquiring, maintaining, and weeding library materials.
Intellectual freedom: The right of library patrons to access and use materials without censorship or restriction.
Collection assessment: The evaluation of a library's collection to determine strengths, weaknesses, and areas that need improvement.
Selection criteria: The standards or guidelines used to evaluate materials for inclusion in a library's collection.
Material acquisition: The process of acquiring library materials, including purchasing, gift-giving, and interlibrary loan.
Cataloging and classification: The process of organizing and providing access to library materials through the use of standardized metadata and classification systems.
Digital collecting and archiving: The process of preserving and providing access to digital materials, including e-books, audio books, and digital archives.
Collection development for special populations: The selection and acquisition of materials for specific groups, such as children, teenagers, or non-English speakers.
Collection weeding and disposition: The process of removing materials from a library's collection due to damage, obsolescence, or lack of relevance.
Collection development in a changing environment: The challenges and opportunities presented by new technologies, changing user needs, and shifts in academic priorities.
Budgeting and resource allocation: Strategies for maximizing budget resources to support collection development efforts.
Interlibrary lending and borrowing: The sharing of materials among libraries to enhance access to information resources.
Collection marketing and outreach: Strategies for promoting the library's collection to increase circulation and enhance user engagement.
Ethics in collection development and management: Ethical considerations in selecting and managing library materials, including diversity and representation.
Collection analytics and data-driven decision-making: The use of data to inform collection development decisions, such as usage statistics and patron feedback.
Collection analysis: The process of evaluating existing library collections to determine their strengths, weaknesses, and areas for improvement.
Collection building: The process of acquiring new materials, whether through purchase, donation, or other means.
Collection maintenance: The ongoing process of preserving, repairing, and replacing library materials to ensure they remain in good condition and accessible to patrons.
Collection development policy: A document that defines a library's goals, objectives, and priorities when it comes to building and maintaining collections.
Collection assessment: The process of evaluating the effectiveness of a library's collections in meeting the needs of its patrons.
Collection marketing: The process of promoting library collections and encouraging patrons to use them.
Collection evaluation: The process of assessing the quality and relevance of a library's collections and making decisions about what should be weeded, retained, or acquired.
Collection weeding: The process of removing outdated or unused materials from library collections to make room for new materials.
Circulation management: The process of managing the borrowing and lending of library materials, including tracking circulation statistics and enforcing circulation policies.
Interlibrary loan management: The process of facilitating the borrowing and lending of materials between different libraries.
Digital collection management: The process of managing and expanding a library's digital collections, including e-books, online databases, and other digital resources.
Reference collection management: The process of building and maintaining a library's reference collection, including specialized reference materials such as dictionaries, encyclopedias, and atlases.
"Acquisition and collection development focuses on methodological and topical themes pertaining to acquisition of print and other analogue library materials (by purchase, exchange, gift, legal deposit), and the licensing and purchase of electronic information resources."
"Collection development involves activities that need a librarian or information professional who is specialized in improving the library's collection."
"The process includes the selection of information materials that respond to the users or patrons need."
"It also involves the de-selection of unwanted information materials, called weeding."
"Evaluation of new information materials and the existing collection [is important] in order to determine how well a particular library serves its users."
"...using information resources locally held as well as resources from other organizations."
"It also involves the planning strategies for continuing acquisition."
"Acquisition and collection development focuses on...the licensing and purchase of electronic information resources."
"...building the collection of a particular library to meet the information needs of the library users (a service population) in a timely and economical manner."
"It also involves the de-selection of unwanted information materials, called weeding."
"To meet the information needs of the library users (a service population)."
"Collection development involves activities that need a librarian or information professional who is specialized in improving the library's collection."
"Acquisition of print and other analogue library materials (by purchase, exchange, gift, legal deposit)."
"According to the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA), acquisition and collection development focuses on..."
"Building the collection of a particular library...in a timely and economical manner."
"The selection of information materials that respond to the users or patrons need."
"...planning strategies for continuing acquisition."
"The licensing and purchase of electronic information resources."
"Evaluation of new information materials and the existing collection in order to determine how well a particular library serves its users."