Intellectual Property Law

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Intellectual property law includes patent, copyright, and trademark law, which protect creative and innovative works.

Patents: Legal protection for inventions or discoveries that are novel, useful, and non-obvious.
Trademarks: A symbol, design or phrase used to identify and distinguish goods and services from others in the market.
Copyrights: Legal protection for creative works like literature, music, movies, and software.
Trade Secrets: Confidential information that gives a company a competitive advantage, often related to proprietary processes, formulae or other business confidential data.
International Intellectual Property law: Understanding the legal framework, disputes and procedures related to Intellectual Property laws globally.
Technology Transfer: Rules and regulations related to transfer of intellectual property ownership and licensing agreements between entities.
IP Litigation: Understanding the procedures, laws and legal remedies for disputes related to intellectual property rights.
IP Enforcement: Legal actions and remedies for protecting, enforcing Intellectual Property rights and remedies for infringement, including cease and desist order, injunctions, damages and settlement agreements.