Opinion writing

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The craft of writing opinion pieces for print publications, including how to choose a topic, develop an argument, and use rhetoric and persuasive language.

"Opinion journalism is journalism that makes no claim of objectivity."
"Although distinguished from advocacy journalism in several ways, both forms feature a subjective viewpoint, usually with some social or political purpose."
"Common examples include newspaper columns, editorials, op-eds, editorial cartoons, and punditry."
"Among them, for example, there is Gonzo journalism and New Journalism." Selected quotes from the paragraph: - "Opinion journalism is journalism that makes no claim of objectivity." - "Although distinguished from advocacy journalism in several ways, both forms feature a subjective viewpoint, usually with some social or political purpose." - "Common examples include newspaper columns, editorials, op-eds, editorial cartoons, and punditry." - "Among them, for example, there is Gonzo journalism and New Journalism."