Asian American History

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The study of the experiences of people of Asian descent in the United States, including their history of discrimination, immigration patterns, and cultural contributions.

Immigration history: The history of Asian Americans in the United States and their experiences as immigrants.
Stereotyping, prejudice, and discrimination: The ways in which Asian Americans have been subject to negative and unfair treatment in the United States.
Civil rights activism: The fight for racial justice by Asian Americans, including protests, legal action, and community organizing.
Education and literacy: The history of Asian American education, including language barriers, access to quality schools, and the impact of racism on learning opportunities.
Identity formation: The development of Asian American identity and how it has been shaped by historical and cultural factors.
Political involvement: The role of Asian Americans in American politics, including voting patterns, activism, and representation.
Labor and employment: The experiences of Asian Americans in the labor market, including job discrimination, exploitation, and workplace safety.
Intermarriage and family: The ways in which interracial relationships and multiracial families have shaped Asian American identity and community.
Media and representation: The portrayal of Asian Americans in popular culture, including depictions in film, TV, and advertising.
Assimilation and acculturation: The process by which Asian Americans have integrated into American society and adapted to American cultural norms.
Chinese American History: This type of history deals with the immigration, struggle, and contributions of Chinese Americans in the United States. It focuses on the challenges Chinese immigrants faced during the 19th century and the Great Railroad Era.
Japanese American History: This type of history focuses on the history of Japanese Americans in the United States. It covers the internment of Japanese Americans during World War II and their contributions to the United States from the 1800s to the present.
Korean American History: This type of history deals with the immigration, experiences, and contributions of Korean Americans in the United States. It focuses on the history of Koreans in America since the first immigration and the challenges and opportunities for Korean Americans in the United States.
Filipino American History: This type of history focuses on the history of Filipino Americans in the United States. It covers the migration of Filipinos to America in the early 1900s and their contributions to the political, economic, and social development of the United States.
Southeast Asian American History: This type of history deals with the history of Southeast Asian Americans in the United States. It covers the history of refugees from Cambodia, Laos, and Vietnam, who came to America in the late 1970s and early 1980s, and their experiences and contributions to American society.
South Asian American History: This type of history covers the history of South Asian Americans in the United States. It focuses on the migration of South Asians, such as people from India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh, to the United States, their historical experiences, and cultural contributions.
Asian American Women's History: This type of history focuses on the history of Asian American women in the United States. It covers the experiences and contributions of Asian American women in different fields such as politics, economy, culture, and society.
LGBTQ Asian American History: This type of history focuses on the history of LGBTQ Asian Americans in the United States. It covers the experiences and struggles of LGBTQ Asian Americans and their contributions to civil rights movements and activism.
Religion and Spirituality in Asian American History: This type of history deals with the history of religion and spirituality among Asian Americans in the United States. It covers the experiences of different Asian American religious groups, such as Buddhists, Muslims, and Hindus in America.
Transnational and Global Asian American History: This type of history considers the history of Asian Americans in a global context. It covers the relationship between Asian Americans and their home countries, their cultural connections, and the transnational experiences of Asian Americans in different parts of the world.
"Includes people who indicate their race(s) on the census as 'Asian' or reported entries such as 'Chinese, Indian, Bangladeshi, Filipino, Vietnamese, Indonesian, Korean, Japanese, Pakistani, Malaysian, and Other Asian'."
"In 2020, Americans who identified as Asian alone (19,886,049) or in combination with other races (4,114,949) made up 7.2% of the U.S. population."
"Chinese, Indian, and Filipino Americans make up the largest share of the Asian American population with 5 million, 4.3 million, and 4 million people respectively."
"These numbers equal 23%, 20%, and 18% of the total Asian American population."
"Or 1.5% and 1.2% of the total U.S. population."
"Since the 17th century."
"In the mid-19th century."
"Excluded various Asian groups, eventually prohibiting almost all Asian immigration to the continental United States."
"Immigration laws were reformed during the 1940s–1960s, abolishing national origins quotas."
"Asian immigration increased rapidly."
"Analyses of the 2010 census have shown that Asian Americans are the fastest-growing racial group in the United States."
"People with origins or ancestry from the Far East, Southeast Asia, and the Indian subcontinent."
"People with ethnic origins in certain parts of Asia, including West Asia."
"This term had historically been used for all the indigenous peoples of the continent of Asia."
"7.2% of the U.S. population."
"Americans who identified as Asian alone (19,886,049) or in combination with other races (4,114,949)."
"Chinese Americans."
"Chinese, Indian, Bangladeshi, Filipino, Vietnamese, Indonesian, Korean, Japanese, Pakistani, Malaysian."
"Prohibiting almost all Asian immigration to the continental United States."
There is a varied ethnic composition within the Asian American population, including diverse ethnic backgrounds from different regions of Asia.