"Agroforestry refers to any of a broad range of land use practices where pasture or crops are integrated with trees and shrubs."
Integration of trees, crops, and livestock in a single farming system, including methods for maximizing benefits like soil preservation, climate resilience, and resource-use efficiency.
Agroforestry Systems: The practice of combining trees, crops and/or livestock in a single farming system.
Tree Species Selection: The process of identifying and choosing appropriate tree species for agroforestry systems, based on factors such as climate, market demands and soil quality.
Soil Health: The overall health of soil, including its physical, chemical and biological properties, and how they impact plant growth.
Livestock Integration: The use of livestock in combination with tree and crop resources, to enhance overall system productivity.
Crop Management: Techniques used to maximize the yield and profitability of crops in agroforestry systems.
Agroforestry Design: The process of designing and planning agroforestry systems that make use of natural resources, maximize biodiversity, and are sustainable.
Marketing and Value-Added Products: The process of identifying, developing and marketing products from agroforestry systems, such as fruits, nuts, and timber.
Climate Change and Resilience: Steps that can be taken to make agroforestry systems more resilient in the face of climate change, and how agroforestry can be used as a tool to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions.
Water Management: Techniques used to manage water in agroforestry systems, such as rainwater harvesting and irrigation.
Economics of Agroforestry: The assessment of the financial viability and profitability of agroforestry systems, including the costs and benefits associated with different management practices.
Policy and Regulation: The laws and regulations that govern agroforestry systems, from local to international levels.
Social and Cultural Aspects of Agroforestry: The social and cultural implications of agroforestry systems, including community involvement, land tenure, and gender issues.
Environmental Impacts and Biodiversity: The impact of agroforestry systems on the environment, including soil, water, and biodiversity.
Agroforestry Education and Extension: The process of disseminating agroforestry knowledge and techniques to farmers, NGOs, governments, and other stakeholders.
Agroforestry Certification: The certification processes for agroforestry products, including sustainability, social responsibility and environmental standards.
Alley Cropping: It is a type of agroforestry system in which rows of trees or shrubs are grown in between the crops to provide shade, windbreaks, and improve soil health.
Silvopasture: It is a combination of grazing animals and trees on the same land. The animals graze around or under the trees, which provide them with shade, shelter, and food.
Forest-Farming: It is a system in which crops are grown under the canopy of trees in a forest. The trees provide shade, regulate temperature, and maintain soil moisture.
Agro-Silvopastoral: It is a mixed system that combines crops, livestock, and trees. The trees provide shade and windbreaks to the crops, while the animals graze on the pastures.
Windbreaks: It is a system in which trees are planted in rows or belts to break the force of the wind and protect crops, livestock, and buildings.
Homegardening: It is a small-scale agroforestry system in which trees, shrubs, vegetables, and fruits are grown in a home garden to provide food, fuel, and income for the household.
Taungya: It is a traditional agroforestry system in which farmers grow crops in the early years of a forest plantation to benefit from the shade and soil fertility provided by the trees.
Multistrata: It is a system in which multiple layers of vegetation, including trees, shrubs, and crops are grown together to create a diverse agroecosystem.
Rural Agroforestry: It is a type of agroforestry that involves planting trees on rural landscapes for a variety of purposes, such as soil stabilization, erosion control, and timber production.
Community Agroforestry: It is a system in which farmers and communities work together to plant and manage trees on a shared landscape, with the aim of achieving multiple benefits for agriculture and the environment.
"This intentional combination of agriculture and forestry has multiple benefits, such as greatly enhanced yields from staple food crops, enhanced farmer livelihoods from income generation, increased biodiversity, improved soil structure and health, reduced erosion, and carbon sequestration."
"Trees in agroforestry systems can also produce wood, fruits, nuts, and other useful products with economic and practical value."
"Agroforestry practices are especially prevalent in the tropics, especially in subsistence smallholdings areas with particular importance in sub-Saharan Africa."
"However, due to its multiple benefits, for instance in nutrient cycle benefits and the potential for mitigating droughts, it has been adopted in the USA and Europe."
"Agroforestry shares principles with intercropping but can also involve much more complex multi-strata agroforests containing hundreds of species."
"Agroforestry can also utilize nitrogen-fixing plants such as legumes to restore soil nitrogen fertility."
"Enhanced farmer livelihoods from income generation"
"Increased biodiversity"
"Reduced erosion and carbon sequestration"
"Improved soil structure and health"
"Particular importance in sub-Saharan Africa"
"Enhanced farmer livelihoods from income generation"
"Greatly enhanced yields from staple food crops"
"Trees in agroforestry systems can also produce wood, fruits, nuts, and other useful products with economic and practical value."
"The potential for mitigating droughts"
"Reduced erosion"
"Reduced erosion and carbon sequestration"
"Particular importance in subsistence smallholdings areas"
"Agroforestry shares principles with intercropping but can also involve much more complex multi-strata agroforests containing hundreds of species."