Quote: "A gender role, also known as a sex role, is a social role encompassing a range of behaviors and attitudes that are generally considered acceptable, appropriate, or desirable for a person based on that person's sex."
The societal expectations and norms associated with gender that dictate how men and women should behave, dress, and interact with others.
Biological sex: Refers to the physical and physiological differences between males and females, such as reproductive organs and hormones.
Gender identity: Refers to an individual's innate sense of self as male or female (or something else), which may or may not align with their biological sex.
Gender expression: Refers to the ways individuals express their gender identity, such as clothing, speech patterns, and mannerisms.
Gender roles: Refers to the societal expectations for how men and women should behave and the roles they should play in society.
Femininity: Refers to traits traditionally associated with women, such as emotional sensitivity, nurturing, and gentleness.
Masculinity: Refers to traits traditionally associated with men, such as assertiveness, competitiveness, and physical strength.
Androgyny: Refers to a blending of traditionally gendered traits or the absence of gender identity altogether.
Gender binary: Refers to the idea that there are only two genders, male and female.
Genderqueer: Refers to individuals who identify as neither entirely male nor female.
Gender dysphoria: Refers to the distress or discomfort experienced by individuals whose gender identity does not align with their biological sex.
Transgender: Refers to individuals who identify with a gender different from their biological sex.
Cisgender: Refers to individuals whose gender identity aligns with their biological sex.
Intersectionality: Refers to the ways in which gender intersects with other aspects of identity, such as race, class, and sexual orientation.
Gender stereotypes: Refers to the widely held and oversimplified beliefs about gender, such as the idea that all men should be strong and all women should be nurturing.
Gender socialization: Refers to the process by which individuals are socialized into the gender roles and expectations of their culture.
Patriarchy: Refers to a social system in which men hold primary power and authority.
Toxic masculinity: Refers to harmful or negative aspects of masculinity, such as aggression, misogyny, and homophobia.
Feminism: Refers to the belief in and advocacy for gender equality and the dismantling of patriarchal systems.
Gender-based violence: Refers to any form of violence, such as sexual assault or domestic violence, that is perpetrated on the basis of gender.
Gendered language: Refers to language that reinforces gender stereotypes or excludes individuals who identify outside of the gender binary.
Cisgender: A person whose gender identity matches the sex they were assigned at birth.
Transgender: A person whose gender identity differs from the sex they were assigned at birth.
Non-binary: A gender identity that does not fit exclusively within the binary of male and female.
Genderfluid: A gender identity that changes or fluctuates over time, or can vary depending on the situation or context.
Genderqueer: A gender identity that is not exclusively male or female, or a combination of both.
Two-spirit: A term used by some Indigenous communities to describe individuals who have both masculine and feminine spirits within them.
Agender: A gender identity that is characterized by the absence of a gender.
Androgynous: A gender expression that combines both masculine and feminine characteristics.
Demigender: A gender identity that is partially or slightly connected to a binary gender.
Neutrois: A gender identity that is neutral or null, and does not align with any binary gender.
Bigender: A gender identity that encompasses both a masculine and a feminine identity, or alternates between them.
Third gender: A term used to describe gender identities outside of the male-female binary.
Gender nonconforming: Individuals who do not conform to traditional gender norms or roles.
Intersex: A biological condition in which an individual is born with reproductive or sexual anatomy that does not fit typical male or female classifications.
Quote: "The specifics regarding these gendered expectations may vary among cultures, while other characteristics may be common throughout a range of cultures."
Quote: "In addition, gender roles (and perceived gender roles) vary based on a person's race or ethnicity."
Quote: "Gender roles influence a wide range of human behavior, often including the clothing a person chooses to wear, the profession a person pursues, manner of approach to things, the personal relationships a person enters, and how they behave within those relationships."
Quote: "Although gender roles have evolved and expanded, they traditionally keep women in the 'private' sphere, and men in the 'public' sphere."
Quote: "Various groups, most notably feminist movements, have led efforts to change aspects of prevailing gender roles that they believe are oppressive, inaccurate, and sexist."
Quote: "Gender roles are usually centered on conceptions of masculinity and femininity, although there are exceptions and variations."
Quote: "Gender roles influence a wide range of human behavior, often including [...] the personal relationships a person enters, and how they behave within those relationships."
Quote: "Various groups, most notably feminist movements, have led efforts to change aspects of prevailing gender roles that they believe are oppressive, inaccurate, and sexist."
Quote: "Although gender roles have evolved and expanded, they traditionally keep women in the 'private' sphere, and men in the 'public' sphere."
Quote: "The specifics regarding these gendered expectations may vary among cultures, while other characteristics may be common throughout a range of cultures."
Quote: "In addition, gender roles (and perceived gender roles) vary based on a person's race or ethnicity."
Quote: "Gender roles influence a wide range of human behavior, often including the clothing a person chooses to wear."
Quote: "A gender role, also known as a sex role, is a social role encompassing a range of behaviors and attitudes that are generally considered acceptable, appropriate, or desirable for a person based on that person's sex."
Quote: "Various groups, most notably feminist movements, have led efforts to change aspects of prevailing gender roles that they believe are oppressive, inaccurate, and sexist."
Quote: "Although gender roles have evolved and expanded, they traditionally keep women in the 'private' sphere, and men in the 'public' sphere."
Quote: "Gender roles influence a wide range of human behavior, often including the profession a person pursues."
Quote: "A gender role, also known as a sex role, is a social role encompassing a range of behaviors and attitudes that are generally considered acceptable, appropriate, or desirable for a person based on that person's sex."
Quote: "Various groups, most notably feminist movements, have led efforts to change aspects of prevailing gender roles that they believe are oppressive, inaccurate, and sexist."
Quote: "Gender roles influence a wide range of human behavior, often including [...] how they behave within those relationships."