- "The critical academic study of the cultural, political and economic legacy of colonialism and imperialism."
The study of the effects of colonialism on the people and cultures that were colonized.
Colonialism: Refers to the system of political, economic, and social domination by one country over another, often involves the exploitation of resources and human labor.
Imperialism: The policy of extending a country's power and influence through colonization, use of military force, or other means.
Decolonization: The process by which former colonies achieve independence through political, social, and economic means. Involves dismantling colonial institutions and governing structures.
Nationalism: A shared sense of identity based on a common language, culture, religion, or history. Often plays a role in anti-colonial struggles and post-colonial nation building.
Identity: Refers to the way in which individuals and groups define themselves and are defined by others. Post-colonial studies often explore how identities are shaped by colonial power relations.
Hybridity: The blending of multiple cultural or social identities, often resulting from colonial encounters. Post-colonial studies often focus on the ways in which hybrid identities challenge colonial power structures.
Power: Refers to the ability to control or influence others. Post-colonial studies often explore power relations between colonized and colonizer, and how power is exercised and resisted.
Orientalism: A term coined by Edward Said to describe the way in which Western countries constructed and represented the 'Orient' (i.e. Asia, Middle East, North Africa) as exotic, inferior, and other.
Eurocentrism: Refers to the privileging of European culture, history, and values over those of other regions. Post-colonial studies often critique Eurocentric approaches to knowledge and power.
Subaltern: Used to describe groups who are marginalized, oppressed, and excluded from political and social power. Post-colonial studies often focus on the experiences and perspectives of subaltern groups.
- "The impact of human control and exploitation of colonized people and their lands."
- "The 1960s."
- "Scholars from previously colonized countries."
- "The lingering effects of colonialism."
- "Critical theory analysis."
- "The history, culture, literature, and discourse of (usually European) imperial power." Quotes from the paragraph: