"Soil health is a state of a soil meeting its range of ecosystem functions as appropriate to its environment."
The study of soil properties, soil organisms, and their interrelationships, as well as soil management practices to optimize soil health and fertility.
"The health of soil arises from favorable interactions of all soil components (living and non-living) that belong together, as in microbiota, plants, and animals."
"It is possible that a soil can be healthy in terms of ecosystem functioning but not necessarily serve crop production or human nutrition directly."
"Soil health depends on soil biodiversity (with a robust soil biota)."
"Soil health can be improved via soil management, especially by care to keep protective living covers on the soil and by natural (carbon-containing) soil amendments."
"Inorganic fertilizers do not necessarily damage soil health if used at appropriate and not excessive rates."
"If inorganic fertilizers bring about a general improvement of overall plant growth, it contributes more carbon-containing residues to the soil."
"Soil health testing is pursued as an assessment of this status but tends to be confined largely to agronomic objectives."
"Soil health arises from favorable interactions of all soil components (living and non-living) that belong together."
"Soil health depends on soil biodiversity and tends to be confined largely to agronomic objectives."
"Soil health can be improved via soil management, especially by keeping protective living covers on the soil."
"Soil health can be improved via natural (carbon-containing) soil amendments."
"Soil health can be improved via soil management, especially by care to keep protective living covers on the soil and by natural (carbon-containing) soil amendments."
"Inorganic fertilizers do damage soil health if used at excessive rates."
"Inorganic fertilizers do not necessarily damage soil health if used at appropriate rates."
"Soil health can be healthy in terms of ecosystem functioning but not necessarily serve crop production or human nutrition directly."
"Soil health arises from favorable interactions of all soil components (living and non-living) that belong together."
"The health of soil arises from favorable interactions of all soil components (living and non-living) that belong together."
"Soil health testing is pursued as an assessment of this status."
"If inorganic fertilizers bring about a general improvement of overall plant growth, it contributes more carbon-containing residues to the soil."