"The actual practice of homeschooling can vary. The spectrum ranges from highly structured forms based on traditional school lessons to more open, free forms such as unschooling, which is a lesson- and curriculum-free implementation of homeschooling."
Home education or homeschooling involves parents, guardians or tutors teaching children at home rather than in a formal school setting.
Legal Requirements for Homeschooling: An overview of the laws and regulations surrounding homeschooling, including state and local requirements for reporting and testing.
Philosophies and Styles of Homeschooling: An exploration of different education philosophies and approaches to homeschooling, such as Montessori, Waldorf, classical, unschooling, and more.
Curriculum Choices: A discussion of different curriculum options for homeschoolers, including textbooks, online courses, unit studies, and more.
Record-keeping and Documentation: An explanation of why record-keeping is important in homeschooling and how to keep accurate records, including attendance, grades, and portfolios.
Socialization and Community: A look at the socialization opportunities available to homeschoolers and ways to build a support network within the homeschooling community.
Special Needs and Accommodations: A discussion of how to homeschool children with special needs and what accommodations can be made to support their learning.
Balancing Homeschooling and Work: Tips for juggling work and homeschooling responsibilities, including time management strategies and how to involve others in the homeschooling process.
Homeschooling Multiple Children: Advice for homeschooling families with multiple children, including how to teach different grade levels simultaneously and how to manage competing schedules and needs.
Getting Started with Homeschooling: A step-by-step guide to getting started with homeschooling, from understanding legal requirements to choosing curriculum and setting up a homeschooling space.
Homeschooling High School: Guidance for homeschooling high school students, including information on graduation requirements, college admissions, and creating a high school transcript.
"Usually conducted by a parent, tutor, or an online teacher."
"Many homeschool families use less formal, more personalized and individualized methods of learning that are not always found in schools."
"Homeschooling should not be confused with distance education, which generally refers to the arrangement where the student is educated by and conforms to the requirements of an online school, rather than being educated independently and unrestrictedly by their parents or by themselves."
"In the mid to late 20th century, more people began questioning the efficiency and sustainability of school learning, which again led to an increase in the number of homeschoolers."
"...many people believe is due to the rise of the Internet, which enables people to obtain information very quickly."
"During the COVID-19 pandemic, many students from all over the world had to study from home due to the danger posed by the virus. However, this was mostly implemented in the form of distance education rather than traditional homeschooling."
"Some parents see better educational opportunities for their child in homeschooling... or because they think that they can better prepare their children for the life outside of school... Homeschooling is also an option for families living in remote rural areas, those temporarily abroad and those who travel frequently and therefore face the physical impossibility or difficulty of getting their children into school and families who want to spend more and better time with their children. Health reasons and special needs can also play a role."
"Critics of homeschooling argue that children may lack adequate socialization and therefore have poorer social skills... Some are also concerned that parents may be unqualified to guide and advise their children in life skills... Critics also say that a child might not encounter people of other cultures, worldviews, and socioeconomic groups if they are not enrolled in a school."
"Homeschooled children sometimes score higher on standardized tests."
"Their parents reported via survey that their children have equally or better developed social skills..."
"Studies suggest that homeschoolers are generally more likely to have higher self-esteem..."
"...better relationships with adults..."
"...and are less susceptible to peer pressure."
"While 'homeschooling' is the term commonly used in North America, 'home education' is primarily used in Europe and many Commonwealth countries."
"Before the introduction of compulsory school attendance laws, most childhood education was done by families and local communities."
"The spectrum ranges from highly structured forms based on traditional school lessons to more open, free forms such as unschooling..."
"Homeschooling is a relatively widespread form of education and a legal alternative to public and private schools in many countries..."
"Some children can also learn better at home, for example, because they are not held back, disturbed or distracted from school matters, do not feel underchallenged or overwhelmed with certain topics..."
"...find that certain temperaments are encouraged in school, while others are inhibited, do not cope well with the often predetermined structure or are bullied there."