Economic study of the fishing industry, including management, regulation, and allocation of fishery resources.
Fishery resource: This topic covers the various types of fisheries, the fish species found in different regions, and the factors that affect fishery resources such as climate change, overfishing, and habitat loss.
Fishing technology: This topic covers the different types of fishing gear and methods used in the fishing industry such as trawls, hooks, and nets.
Fishery management: This topic covers the policies and regulations that govern fishing activities, including the allocation of fishing rights, quotas, and the creation of marine protected areas.
Fisheries economics: This topic covers the study of the economics of fishing, including cost-benefit analysis, market structures, and the pricing of fishery products.
Fishery value chain: This topic covers the various stages involved in the fishery product chain from fishing, processing, marketing, and distribution.
Fishery income: This topic covers the income generated by the fishery sector, including the wages of fishermen, revenues from fish processing and exports, and government revenue from fisheries.
Fisheries governance: This topic covers the governance of fishery resources and their management, including the role of government agencies, industry associations, and community-based organizations.
Fishery exports: This topic covers the export of fishery products to international markets, including export markets, export regulations, and the competitiveness of fishery exports.
Fishery development: This topic covers the development of fishery resources, including the provision of infrastructure, fishery research, and technological innovation.
Fisheries and the environment: This topic covers the impact of fishing on the environment and natural ecosystems and how fishery management policies can promote sustainable fishing practices.
Fishery market analysis: This topic covers market analysis in the fishery sector, including market trends, demand and supply factors, and market competition.
Fisheries and international trade: This topic covers the policies and regulations that govern international trade in fishery products, including tariffs, quotas, and trade agreements.
Fisheries Management: This type of fishery economics deals with the strategies, policies, and regulations for conserving and sustaining fish populations.
Fisheries Science: Fisheries Science broadly encompasses the study of aquatic ecosystems, fish biology, and fisheries management.
Fisheries Ecology: Fisheries ecology focuses on the interactions between fish populations and their environment and how the dynamics of those interactions affect fish populations.
Aquaculture Economics: This type of fishery economics focuses on the economics of raising fish in controlled environments, including the analysis of production costs, variances, and optimal production levels.
Fisheries Marketing: Fisheries Marketing is a specialized area that deals with the distribution and trade of fish products.
Fisheries Value Chain Analysis: Fisheries Value Chain Analysis involves the analysis of all activities involved in the process from capture, processing, to the delivery of fish to the market.
Fisheries Management Models: Fisheries Management Models involve the integration of ecological, economic, and social data to develop tools for the prediction of the impact of policies on fish populations.
Fisheries Economics: Fisheries economics broadly encompasses the study of the economic activities related to fishing industries. It includes the analysis of demand, supply, pricing behavior, seasonality, and global market trends.
Fishery Investment and Financing: Fishery Investment and Financing focus on investment analysis of different fishing activities, including fishing gear, aquaculture facilities, processing plants, and marketing activities.
Marine Resource Economics: This type of fishery economics is concerned with the economic analysis of marine activities, including trade, ocean energy, and coastal tourism, among others.