"A logic gate is an idealized or physical device that performs a Boolean function, a logical operation performed on one or more binary inputs that produces a single binary output."
Basic building block of computer architecture, involving the design of circuits using logic gates.
Boolean algebra: The fundamental principles and operations of logic.
Logic gates: The building blocks of digital circuits.
Logic families: Different logic gates with their respective characteristics.
Truth tables: A table illustrating the relationship between the input and output of a logic gate.
Combinational logic: Circuits that produce a logical output according to the input without taking into account the circuit's previous state.
Arithmetic circuits: Circuits that perform mathematical operations (addition, subtraction, etc.).
Multiplexers and demultiplexers: Circuits used to route data between inputs and outputs.
Encoders and decoders: Circuits that convert a set of data from one format to another.
Flip-flops: Circuits that can store one bit of data and are used to build sequential circuits.
Registers and counters: Circuits that can store multiple bits of data.
Sequential logic: Circuits where the output is dependent not just on the input but also on the circuit's previous state.
State tables and state diagrams: Methods to represent the behavior of sequential circuits.
Synchronous and asynchronous circuits: Circuits that are either clocked or not clocked with respect to a clock signal, respectively.
Finite state machines: Circuits that can be modeled as a finite set of states and transitions between them.
Timing diagrams: A graphical representation of the behavior of a circuit over time.
VHDL and Verilog: Hardware description languages used to describe digital circuits.
Combinational Logic Design: It is the type of digital logic design where the output is determined solely by the input combination, without any regard for the previous state.
Sequential Logic Design: It is the type of digital logic design where the output is determined by both the input combination and the previous state.
Arithmetic Logic Design: It is the type of digital logic design used for performing arithmetic and logical operations, such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and bitwise operations.
Register Transfer Level (RTL) Design: It is the type of digital logic design that uses blocks of registers and combinational logic circuits to perform specific functions, usually at the hardware level.
Programmable Logic Design: It is the type of digital logic design that allows the user to program the desired functionality into the design using software tools like VHDL, Verilog, or SystemVerilog.
Finite State Machine (FSM) Design: It is the type of digital logic design used to model and synthesize sequential circuits such as counters, state machines, etc.
Microprocessor Design: It is the type of digital logic design that involves the development of microprocessors, i.e., integrated circuits that combine the functions of a central processing unit (CPU) with other key functions necessary to perform computing tasks.
Digital Signal Processing (DSP) Design: It is the type of digital logic design used for real-time processing of digital signals, such as audio, video, and radio signals.
System-on-Chip (SoC) Design: It is the type of digital logic design that involves integrating multiple processors and computing subsystems into a single chip.
Reconfigurable Computing Design: It is the type of digital logic design where the logic gates can be reprogrammed dynamically, offering greater flexibility and adaptability to the system.
"In the real world, the primary way of building logic gates uses diodes or transistors acting as electronic switches."
"Today, most logic gates are made from MOSFETs (metal–oxide–semiconductor field-effect transistors)."
"They can also be constructed using vacuum tubes, electromagnetic relays with relay logic, fluidic logic, pneumatic logic, optics, molecules, or even mechanical elements."
"With amplification, logic gates can be cascaded in the same way that Boolean functions can be composed."
"Logic circuits include such devices as multiplexers, registers, arithmetic logic units (ALUs), and computer memory."
"Compound logic gates AND-OR-Invert (AOI) and OR-AND-Invert (OAI) are often employed in circuit design because their construction using MOSFETs is simpler and more efficient than the sum of the individual gates."
"In reversible logic, Toffoli or Fredkin gates are used."