"Nuclear chemistry is the sub-field of chemistry dealing with radioactivity, nuclear processes, and transformations in the nuclei of atoms, such as nuclear transmutation and nuclear properties."
The study of the behavior of radioactive and non-radioactive elements and their impact on chemical reactions.
Atomic Structure: The study of the basic structure of an atom including the protons, neutrons, and electrons that make up the nucleus.
Isotopes and Radioactivity: The different types of isotopes and how they decay, release energy, and emit radiation.
Nuclear Reactions: The process by which the nucleus of an atom is altered through fusion, fission, alpha decay, beta decay, gamma decay, and other mechanisms.
Nuclear Energy: The use of nuclear reactions to generate energy for various applications including power plants, medical treatments, and space exploration.
Nuclear Weapons: The development and use of nuclear weapons including atomic bombs, hydrogen bombs, and other types of nuclear explosives.
Radiation Protection: The steps taken to prevent exposure to radiation and minimize the health risks associated with radiation.
Nuclear Waste Management: The disposal and treatment of radioactive waste generated by nuclear reactors, medical facilities, and other sources.
Nuclear Applications in Medicine: The use of nuclear technology and radiation to diagnose and treat disease, including diagnostic imaging (e.g. PET scans) and cancer treatment (e.g. radiation therapy).
Nuclear Safety: The regulations, protocols, and technologies used to ensure the safe operation of nuclear reactors, the transportation of nuclear materials, and the handling of nuclear waste.
Nuclear Physics: The study of the behavior and properties of atomic nuclei, including nuclear forces and the nature of nuclear matter.
"It is the chemistry of radioactive elements such as the actinides, radium, and radon."
"This includes the corrosion of surfaces and the behavior under conditions of both normal and abnormal operation (such as during an accident)."
"An important area is the behavior of objects and materials after being placed into a nuclear waste storage or disposal site."
"The radiation chemistry controls much of radiation biology as radiation has an effect on living things at the molecular scale."
"The radiation alters the biochemicals within an organism, the alteration of the bio-molecules then changes the chemistry which occurs within the organism; this change in chemistry then can lead to a biological outcome."
"As a result, nuclear chemistry greatly assists the understanding of medical treatments (such as cancer radiotherapy) and has enabled these treatments to improve."
"It includes the study of the production and use of radioactive sources for a range of processes. These include radiotherapy in medical applications; the use of radioactive tracers within industry, science, and the environment, and the use of radiation to modify materials such as polymers."
"Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy is commonly used in synthetic organic chemistry and physical chemistry and for structural analysis in macro-molecular chemistry."
"For instance, nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy is commonly used in synthetic organic chemistry and physical chemistry and for structural analysis in macro-molecular chemistry."
"It includes the study of the chemical effects resulting from the absorption of radiation within living animals, plants, and other materials."
"The radiation chemistry controls much of radiation biology as radiation has an effect on living things at the molecular scale."
"The use of radioactive tracers within industry, science, and the environment."
"The actinides, radium, and radon."
"An important area is the behavior of objects and materials after being placed into a nuclear waste storage or disposal site."
"The use of radioactive tracers within industry, science, and the environment."
"Nuclear chemistry greatly assists the understanding of medical treatments (such as cancer radiotherapy) and has enabled these treatments to improve."
"The behavior under conditions of both normal and abnormal operation (such as during an accident)."
"The use of radiation to modify materials such as polymers."
"The radiation chemistry controls much of radiation biology as radiation has an effect on living things at the molecular scale."