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The study of fungi.

Fungal Classification: The study of how fungi are classified based on their physical and genetic characteristics.
Fungal Morphology: The study of the physical characteristics of fungi, including their structure, form, and color.
Fungal Life Cycle: The study of the life cycle of fungi, including how they reproduce and how they grow.
Ecology of Fungi: The study of how fungi interact with their environment and other organisms.
Medical Mycology: The study of fungi that cause disease in humans and other animals.
Industrial Mycology: The study of how fungi are used in industry, such as in food production, pharmaceuticals, and bioremediation.
Fungal Genetics: The study of the genetic make-up of fungi and how this affects their physical characteristics and behavior.
Mycorrhizae: The study of the symbiotic relationship between fungi and plant roots and how this affects plant growth and nutrient uptake.
Fungal Pathology: The study of how fungi cause disease in plants and how this affects agriculture.
"Mycology is the branch of biology concerned with the study of fungi, including their genetic and biochemical properties, their taxonomy and their use to humans, including as a source for tinder, traditional medicine, food, and entheogens, as well as their dangers, such as toxicity or infection."
"A biologist specializing in mycology is called a mycologist."
"Mycology branches into the field of phytopathology, the study of plant diseases."
"The two disciplines remain closely related because the vast majority of plant pathogens are fungi."
- Genetic and biochemical properties of fungi - Taxonomy of fungi - Use of fungi by humans - Dangers associated with fungi
"...their use to humans, including as a source for tinder, traditional medicine, food, and entheogens..."
"...their dangers, such as toxicity or infection."
"Mycology is the branch of biology concerned with the study of fungi..."
"...their use to humans, including as a source for... traditional medicine..."
"...their use to humans, including as a source for... food..."
"A biologist specializing in mycology plays a crucial role in studying plant diseases."
"The vast majority of plant pathogens are fungi."
"Mycologists study the genetic properties of fungi."
"Mycologists study the genetic and biochemical properties of fungi."
"...their dangers, such as toxicity or infection."
" a source for tinder..."
"...their use to humans, including as a source for... entheogens..."
"Mycology involves the taxonomy of fungi."
"Mycology branches into the field of phytopathology, the study of plant diseases."
"Mycologists study the biochemical properties of fungi."